Author's Note

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 So, sadly, this is not a new chapter. But, i'd like to thank everybody for being so very patient with me!! It means quite a lot. Each comment or like or follower has a special place in my heart. I never expected this kind of reaction for a story I thought was awful! So, thank you all so very much!!! 

 Now, onto business.

 The first thing I want to adress is that THIS STORY IS NOT OVER. I thought it would be, but I realized I kind of just left it hanging. So, I DO want to write anothe rpart! This being said, I have NO idea what to write about. So, please, if you have any ideas of questions, comment them down below or message me so I can read them! It really means a lot! And, who knows, maybe your guys will get featured?

The second thing I wanted to talk about is quite new and exciting. I've never done it before, but i'd like your guys help. I'M THINKING OF PUTTING THIS STORY UP FOR THE 2016 Watty's YA'LL!!! That's right! The Watty's. If you didn't know, it's a contest, and you can put in as many stories as you like! It can be unfinished, fanfiction even (my specialty lol). I'll be entering this one and a couple of others before the deadline which is some time later in August! So, if you see this story on the Twitter list or whatever it is, maybe vote for it? XD

Eh! Probably won't win! Just thought i'd share that with you guys!

Anyways, IDEAS!!! I'm in desperate need of them!!! And, I swear, I will write another part or two for this!!! It all depends on the level of inspiration I have! Should I make the have their Miraculous? Should I add Nino and Alya? Please share your thoughts and ideas!!!


Okay. I'll stop fangirling now...Lol. Anywho! I better get working on thinking up the next part!!! I'll see you down below in the comments!! XP


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