Chapitre 4

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When There Is Nothing To Do...

When it is still dark out, I wake up to a loud bleeping coming from two different directions, a room below me, and a room across from mine. I try to hide out the noise with my pillow over my ears, but then a bunch of trampling and yelling starts around, and even lights flood in from the hall.

"Pidon, dépêchez-vous, tu vas être en retard!" Rosine calls out, rushing in the bathroom.

Ugh! Can't I get any sleep?!

I sit up in bed, getting ready to tell them that I am still sleeping, but then Rosine comes to my room, looking taken aback when she sees me already awake, "Oh! Good morning! Cupidon and I are about to leave; him to school, me to work. I left our cell phone numbers on a note on the fridge, if you need to reach either of us. And also, there is food in the fridge, some snacks in the cabinet- help yourself," she smiles, looking satisfied.

"Alright," I nod, "Soo, what do I do during the day?"

She blinks once and loses the smile when she talks, as if she is restating everything from last time, "Whatever you like, dear. The house is open to your use, you are our guest."

"Okay. When does Pidon get off of school?"

"Four forty-five. He will be home around five after gathering his school work and walking home. Sometimes he would come to the café, but I told him-"

"Mama! Allons-y!" Grumpy faced Cupidon pops his face in the door from behind his mom, and stares at me with a plain expression, almost creepy.

I stick my tongue out at him, "Stop staring at me!"

And Rosine twitches her view to him, the same time he switches faces to a smiling one, "Je suis prêt!" She ruffles his hair and they disappear down the hall. "Have fun today!" I hear Mrs. Beauregard call out, and the door closes and they are gone.

First thing first, I shut off all the lights in the house and drag myself back to bed, but when I finally get all situated and comfortable, I realize I'm not even tired. What the heck?

I sit back up and look around the pitch-dark room. What can I do, the window is open and it's still dark, that's how early it is. I pull out my phone and check if I have gotten any messages, but it doesn't turn on.

"Really? This is dead?" I get up and feel around for my bag to find my charger, but I end up crawling around the forever until the sun comes up, literally. Finally, I find my luggage stuffed behind the curtains in the closet, but I don't find my charger. How am I supposed to know anything going on the world without any battery?!

Ah! I bet Pidon has something!

I jump over all the spilled contains filling the threshold and dart down the steps into the shut door hiding behind the case. First thing I spot is the darkness, obviously, considering I can't see much else. I feel the wall for a light switch, and it doesn't take long. Then I can see his room isn't really large at all, nearly the size of the TV room, minus the space of his bed, and desk and dressers lining the walls. Only about a five-by-five foot space in the center, covered by a black carpet, is the free room.

I quickly start rummaging through all the contents on his dresser, then his desk, and another dresser. Then his bedside table, and the drawer under it; that's where I find it. I find the charger, exactly perfect for my phone. And even though the task at hand is complete, I am eager to find more out about him. Pidon is such a weird person, how could I not want to know more about him. The odd thing is, I feel compelled to know every aspect of his life, is he really that important to me?

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