The Dream

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I had a dream the other night and all I heard was this girl saying this over and over again. I think there might have been more to it but it has yet to enter my working brain. I am only posting this because my wonderfully twisted friend said I should finish it. I am trying to figure out a title and names , looks and all that good stuff. Enjoy my strange dream. The narration went something like this:

From the ripe old age of thirteen, I was obsessed with vampires. I lived and breathed them. My warped lil' mind had Romanized vampires into magical creatures who only drank blood to survive. They just needed to be loved and they always fall for the sexy human girls. They buy them expensive things, wine and dine em' and beg to love the girl for all eternity. They stroke your hair, caress your cheek and whisper sweet nothings into your ear while have the best sex EVER! Then when the girl is ready (which in my opinion back then was excessively long) her turns her into a creature of the night and they fade into the darkness together. I was in love with them completely and dreamed of nothing more then finding one to love me and turn me. I would waste time I always told myself. I knew that vampires existed, I just could not seem to find one. I had it in my head that I would meet one just like in the books and movies. He would seduce me but little would he know how quickly I would give myself over. Well guess what, all that shit I just said was exactly that Bullshit. Oh have no fear, I got my wish. Boy oh fucking boy did I. I am a vampire now, but it wasn't all peachy fucking keen with roses and candy. There was no vampiric Romeo come to sweep me off my feet and love me. No, that was not it at all. I was turned by a fucking douche-bag, ass-hat with a superiority complex that wanted a meal and liked to play with his food. It was the year 2000 and it was my 21st birthday. The fucker never even let me get my first legal drink. He was not handsome, hell he wasn't even fucking cute. He was mediocre at best. I remember it all.

It was May 25, my 21st birthday. Oh yea by the way my name is Akita Starr. Of course that is my new and improved vampire name because I do not think Guthery-Ann Vogle sounded like a name that screams, "I am a sexy ass vampire". I know, I know why the hell did I choose Akita Starr. Well I did not choice the last name Starr. The asshole that bit me did. He said it was because I was going to be his shining fucking star forever. GAG! Akita was a name that screamed ass kicking bitch on the loose. Anyways, I am getting away from the point here. It was May 25, 2000 and I was a hot female in the city of Houston, Texas and I was now twenty-one! I had the world at my fingers and felt free for the first time in my life. When I woke up that day, the sun seemed to shine a little brighter just for me. My coffee tasted better and my hermit roommate even got off his game long enough this year to tell me Happy birthday. Yup, I thought I was going to have the perfect day. I had it planned. I would sit around all day and do nothing. I watched TV and started flipping through my closet, so I could find the perfect outfit for later on that night.

As I started getting ready, I daydreamed about hitting the club with my friends and maybe finding my true love vampire. Round ten-thirty I started the process of getting ready for the nights festivities. I painted my golden brown eyes with a bronze and fawn shadow. I added a little bit of black to the corners to give my eyes that smokey look that everyone is trying to perfect. I have had that down since the eight grade. Not that that matters. I painted my heart shaped lips the perfect color red and proceeded to work my fingers through my long, curly chocolate head. I thought I was heaven sent as I slid into the bronze mini dress. It left so very little to the imagination and dipped down low enough to keep my perfectly, perky C-cup girls both hidden and in plain sight. I finished it off with a six-inch pair of heels that matched perfectly. I stepped back and gasped at the sight of myself. I am not conceded but damn I looked good. To top off the perfect outfit, I added a necklace that was chain link with a heart charm and the bracelet to match. I added a spray of Heavenly Angel to my chest, neck and wrists. Perfection. I looked and felt like a Goddess. Normally, I wonder around in jeans and a t-shirt at five foot two and half (have to get the half in) but not tonight. Tonight was going to be different. I was officially an adult and by God, I was going to start living like one!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2010 ⏰

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