Chapter Four (Part One): Old Wounds

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Chapter Four (Part One): Old Wounds 

The Stillinski House, That Same Day

Lydia sat watching me as I moved slowly about the kitchen; in order to let my new bandages stay where they were, I couldn't make any sudden movements or move too quickly. Her face a mask of worry and curiosity. As I took my time in gathering ingredients for a Stillinski Special Provolone Tuna Melt, she tracked my every move: just like someone else I know. I let her be, however, because Lydia was playing nice for now; she wasn't hounding me—which I was grateful for—but she was just there, mainly for comfort. I was just sick and tired of people watching me all damn day.

"Did you want one, too?" I asked her as I checked everything on the island. I thought it would be rude if I just made one for myself.

"One? All of this goes into one sandwich?" Lydia's brows rose into her hairline.

"Two, give or take four or five."


"Lydia, you seem to have forgotten the fact that I love to eat."

"But how do you stay so small?"

"Is that a trick question? Honey, I'm a werewolf," I scoffed. "We live to eat."

"Oh, you're right about that. Scott seemed pretty hungry back there at school."  Lydia said pointedly.

I paused then, and she waited as if I was going to give an answer to that statement. I blinked and turned away, hoping she would let it drop as she had in the hallway. I grabbed some instant coffee as she remained silent; it turned into a Battle of Wills to see who would outlast the other in staying silent.

Too bad we Stillinskis loved to talk.

"Fine. I'll tell you." I murmured with a heavy sigh. "But only because I need someone else's opinion other than Stiles'!" Stiles was a great listener, but when it came to giving advice... he was better at concocting impromptu plans that somehow worked most of the time. Plus, my other genetic half had a way of saying the wrong things at the wrong time. Like he had at the burnt-out Hale House...

"See? I'll never have to work a day in my life. You all make being this good so easy that I just might start to feel bad."

I shook my head and boiled some water in the microwave for my coffee.

"And I can't believe you told Stiles before you told me!" she scoffed.

"We're twins, Lydia. We tell each other everything."

I left it at that and assembled my Tuna Melts while I waited for the water. Several times Lydia attempted to help, but I waved her off and told her that she needed to mentally prepare herself for what I was about to say. That quieted her down long enough to let me pour the instant powder, milk, creamer, and sugar into my coffee mug and settle down onto the island next to her. After a few more peaceful, silent moments, we got down to business.

"Do you remember that night when P- the, uhm, Alpha, I mean, locked us inside of the school?" I couldn't even say his name, he scared me so much.

"It's a little too hard to forget, seeing as it's engrained into my brain lobes, sure. I'm guessing you're going to tell me that he was the one who gave you those?" she pointed to my stomach, and I shuddered, nodding.

"I thought I was going to die that night, on the floor in front of the trophy case, but I didn't. I was saved—by someone. I just don't know who yet."

"But you plan to find out?" I nodded.

"Exactly. But that isn't what I wanted to say...."

Lydia remained silent, and I took another deep breathe to start over. "Two nights ago we all came looking for you, but we couldn't find you. After we came home, I fell asleep at the window—and when I woke up, there was someone in my bedroom... Watching me."

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