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"The time has come now to act. The propose terms of our actions may be a bit controversial, but we must follow through with them if we wish for our economy to survive. We have unfortunately depleted the State's natural resources, and the value of our dollar is near to nothing. With these pressing matters jumping down our throats I, and the Congress, are forced to take this country down a path it has never been before. In order to cut back on the waste of your money, we shall mark those who do not contribute to society.  We will make sure they pay their fair share so that rest of us surivie. Now, you probably wondering who are these people? Well, I can tell you, this is a group who is over paid, and under worked. This group of people accumulate their riches from others watching them, admiring them, and listening to them. This is the group that I like to call the entertainers of society. Now, with the proposed salary cap you can pay less of your hard earned wealth for their services. Along with the new laws concerning their payroll, we will institute ways of distinguishing them from you, the general public. Upon their necks will be a simple "E" tattooed there for the world to see. I hope you see that this is an extreme measure that must be taken, in order to ensure that the wealth of country does not go to those who do not deserve it. Thank you and may God Bless America."

- President Theodora Hutchenson, State of the Union Address, July 17, 2064

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