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I grunt slightly, turning over in my bed.

"Damn you Dean, I said get up," I hear above me.

I shake my head nuzzling into my pillow, "Go away, Charlie."

"Yeah," she says slowly, "can't do that. We have to go."

"Go where?" I question as I pull my blanket up.

"You have therapy," Charlie urges as she grabs my blanket and pulls it down.

"No, I had therapy already. Twice every week. And I have had my sessions. So please, bye bye."

I feel the end of bed sink in, and I look up to see Charlie at my feet.

"Actually, there has been a change, " Charlie says slowly.

I lean up, "What kind of change?"

"Your broth-"

I shake my head, "Not my brother. "

Charlie nods then mouths the words sorry. She looks away, "Dean I just need you to go with me."

"Whatever, Charles. I can drive myself. You can go to your girlfriends in peace," I respond while wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Once again I have to be the barrer of bad news," She whispers looking at her feet.

"Charlie," I let out angrily, "No. Not my baby!"

"Dean, I am sorry. Sam just thinks It-"

"I don't give a damn what Sam thinks," I hiss out angrily. Why should I? He clearly doesnt give a damn about me. He is right, he is not my fucking brother. He is nobody to me.

"Your ill, Dean. You need help," Charlie whispers before standing. She walks to the door, turns around a gives me a small smile. "Please be ready in 10 minutes," She tells me then steps outside the door.

"Okay," I whisper slowly .

I stand up and she shuts the door slowly. I sigh and walk over to my closest.

I repeat the word ill to myself and stare at the wall momentarily. "Cas, I hope you can help me."


"You are not talking much today," Cas tells me and I sit up.

"Nice observation, Sherlock. I didn't even realize it," I shoot back.

"Sherlock," He says slowly. He shakes his head and says his words slowly, "I am cast-"

I cut him off, "No shit dumb fuck."

He nods and writes something down on a sketch pad. I lean over looking at his writings. He pulls his sketch pad to his chest.

"What the fuck is that?" I question with a growl.

He gives me a small smile, "Have you ever looked into meditation or yoga, Dean. It may just help with your anger issues."

I give him a glare then look away, "Yup, every fucking Thursday."

Castiel nodded and wrote once more.

"You know, I thought you were supposed to help me. Cas? What are you fucking doing. Nothing," I yell angrily.

"How about trying to taking me seruously?" He remarks.

I let out a breath, running my hand over my face. "Okay." I whisper slowly.

A few moments pace by and I stare at my feet.

"Cas," I call out in confusion.

"Yes, Dean?"

"Have you ever heard of purgatory?"

He gives me a small smile. And sets his sketch pad on the table beside him. He looks out the window then mets my eyes.

"Dean," He whispers.

"Yeah?" I question back.

"Have you ever heard of schizophrenia?"

// - Tori

Therapy | Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now