Epilogue: Let's have A Happy Ending.

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"The end," I said as I finally finished my story.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My daughter Zoe said.

"How I met your father. Duh. You asked how I met him."

"No I asked where my new red lip gloss was, you usually take it. Not how you met dad. Gross."

"Sooner or later you'll end up being like me. OLD, MARRIED, WRINKLY and having KIDS of your own."

"No way in hell I'm I having kids, I hate them."

The door opened and Zack walked in. I gave I'm a peck on the lips.

"Eww mum, PDA mum, that's gross. You just turned Public Display Affection to Parent Display Affection. I think I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life," she covered her eyes. "Anyways where is my lip gloss."

"Why the hell would I know, ask your brother. He probably gave it as a present for one of his many girlfriends."

"Ugh. I haven't even opened it yet. That little bitch is gonna pay. NICK GET YOUR ASS DOWNSTAIRS OR I'M GONNA DRAG IT DOWN MYSELF," she shouted.

"What the fuck do you want," Nick stormed down the stairs.

"Where the fuck is my lip gloss, I bet you gave it to Rebecca. Wow, she'll take anything to suck someone's dick."

"Stop being a jealous bitch because you ain't getting some. And Kimberly has your lip gloss with along of your other things. If she says I gave it to her she's lying and has a secret stash of sweets under her bed."

"Kimberly," Zoe stormed off, "give me my stuff back and I won't sacrifice you."

"But Nick gave it to me, he said it was from Rebecca," we heard Kimberly say.

"Yo, dad I need some money. I'm meeting up with Vanessa. We're gonna eat out then go to her place, her parents won't be home for the whole we so I got to get busy now before its to late," Nick smirked.

Zack gave a knowing smile and pick up his wallet but I slapped his hands before he could give any money.

"No, women aren't objects. You can't use them whenever you feel like it."

"Alright I'll use my own money." He stomped our the house.

"Use protection," Zack said before Nick left.

"We are the worst parents ever," I slouched on the couch.

After 6form ended we went to university. Zack studied business whilst I studied food. Now we own a bakery together. We have 3 children. Nick who is 18, Zoe who is 15 and Kimberly who is 11. I had Nick wen I was 19, it was quite hard since I had just entered university but Zack, my family and him help me all the way. I had Zoe when I was 22 and Kimberly when I was 26. Although we had 3 children we definitely have not master the arts of parenting. Now I'm 37 whist Zack is 38. Wow, it's been 20 years since we first met. Crazy, but I'm just crazy in love.

"No we're not, we're just not the best parents."

I groaned.

"No family is perfect and you know that."

I smiled.

"Come here," he scouted me closer to him. "I love you you know."

"I love you too," I smiled pecking him on the checks.

"Help," I heard Kimberly scream.

"Just ignore," Zack mumbled snuggling into my neck. "They are just playing around."

Happy, our dog, jumped onto the couch joining into our little snuggling.

"What did happen with the photo frame at the end?" Zack asked me.

"I ended up fixing the frame but when I gave it to my grandma she didn't want it anymore. She told me the frame was a push from the heavens to give me a guide to finding something. Till this day, I still don't understand what she means."

No matter how weird as twisted our family was, I knew that I didn't was anything else. To me our crazy family was perfect and I loved it. I loved every single one of them equally. I loved every single moment with them, especially Zack. I will always love him the most. I will love him till the end of time, I will wait a million years.

"Oh yeah honey I forgot to tell you I'm pregnant with your fourth child."



The end.

I hope you liked making a deal with the bad boy. It was a really fun story to write and I hoped you enjoyed it.


26:12:15 - 11:08:16

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