New Divide.

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Island. Small hut. I can't think straight. I'm cold and hot at the same time.
I lay on the floor of the hut, balled up under my heavy jacket, crying,"Why? Why did I have to do that? Why did I have to wake him up?"
A voice behind me, "You did it for Mike."
I close my eyes, "Leave."
The voice comes again,"I've seen how you react to both of them. You react to Mike differently than Chester, and vice versa. "
I pull my jacket down away from my face,"Joe?"
"You guessed it."
I sigh,"What do I do? I like them both... But there's something about Chester that surprises me. And there's something about Mike that makes me feel safe."
Joe smiles and sits down beside me, "That, my young soldier, is for you to decide. I cannot force you to do anything. I can only advise."

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