Chapter One - January 13th 2016

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January 13th 2016 Louis’ Point of View

“Shit! There’s too many of them! We need to go back!” I bellowed out to the group. I swiftly grasped what little food we managed to find in the abandoned house and bolted through the corridor. I pulled out the knife I took from the kitchen, which was actually pretty sharp. Infected were advancing on me, but by now, I know their weaknesses. I had to make sure that everyone in the group made it out. I glanced over my shoulder to see Harry following my lead with what he was also able to find. I gave him a nod as saying good work. “Fuck!” I felt the slimy hands of the Infected grasp my forearm, but before it could sink its teeth into me thus make a meal out of me, I plunged the knife into its neck.

You can tell how long someone has been infected for. You can hear the groans of pain coming from them, like they were trying to fight it off and make it, but you know any source of their past life is well gone. These are Runners. There are some that you can tell any traces life is gone. These infected are known as Stalkers. They know where you are before you even do. You have to be careful when going into extremely dark places because this is where these ones like to hide out. The most common ones though, Clickers, are extremely dangerous. They have been infected for a number of years. The infection has completely taken over their senses making them blind. They use their hyposensitive hearing to locate you, thus making a clicking sound. This is where they got their names from. I’ve heard of another type of infected called a Bloater, but thankfully I haven’t seen one yet.

I busted through the wooden door, making it outside. This world is so much different from what it used to be. Ash now lines everywhere. It’s in the air we breathe, the food we eat. People thought if you set things on fire it might help cure the disease, but sadly, that plan obviously did not work. Just seconds after I fled the house, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall came running right after me. “Come on!” Liam shouted while running to the car. It’s unbelievable how many cars still have gas in them.

Right as we shut and locked the doors on the car, Runners banged against the glass. Their skin was slightly blue, shriveled up in most places. Their teeth have now become accustomed to ripping off flesh, jagged in most places. Liam floored out of there. Runners were still chasing the car but they soon became a dot in the distance.

“What did you all manage to find?”  Niall asked, while placing is gun on the seat. “I was able to find some medical supplies, some blades, and a few cans of ravioli.” I pulled out a variety of knifes I managed to pick up, some ammo supplies, alcohol, a lighter, and a bow and arrows. I placed the equipment on the middle seat next to Niall’s. I sure missed the taste of alcohol; it sure did make living life simpler.

“I got some water bottles that haven’t been opened yet, surprising huh? I also was able to find medical supplies, a backpack, ammo, and some parchment paper.” Zayn smiled to himself at the end. He told us, in the simpler times he would draw in his free time. I’m guessing he got it to reminiscence on because it’s no longer safe to really be preoccupied in something now. Everyone was able to get similar things, cans of food, medical supplies, and just little things that seemed to help with coping. I, on the other hand, was use to this kind of thing. The infected, the running for our lives, trying to find a cure. Honestly, I would sometimes think about just ending it all. I don’t want to end up like one of those things. But maybe, something might actually go right for a change and things could be saved.

Everyone was quiet now, minding their own business. It’s kind of a funny story on how I met these lads. It was maybe a year after the outbreak. I was looting a house, and surprisingly there was no infected. I thought it was strange because they’re usually crawling in every crevice you can find. I found a lad, who I now know as Harry, standing behind me. He was about to knife me, but me being stronger I was able to stop him. The rest of the lads came in. I explained to them that I was clean and it took a little while to convince them but then we decided to work together. I don’t let my emotions get in the way anymore, not after the day of the outbreak. I guess we all feel the same though.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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