Chapter 5- Port Angeles

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Edward's P.O.V.

Bella had agreed to go to the dance with me.

Bella had agreed to go to the dance with me.

Why did this make me so happy? I only did it so Bella would go buy a dress in Port Angeles, giving me a reason to take her there. According to Alice, she would get lost around sundown.

All I had to do was wait.

A duffle bag containing the chlorofom rag, spare clothes, and some food and drinks were in the trunk of the car I was bringing. I also had some spare clothes for myself in the front seat. Alice had told me that Bella would be wandering around lost, but with a dress and shoes in her hand, and warned me to take care of them. For what, I wasn't sure, but I wasn't going to argue with my sister.

When school ended the next day, I waited an hour before driving there, and finding a place to park under a shady tree. I kept watching Bella through Angela's thoughts, but I exited quickly when they were changing.


Sun down came quickly, and before I knew it, I was following Bella though a dark alley. She probably didn't know I was there, so I made my footsteps become louder. I heard her heart rate speed up and I knew she heard me.

As if she couldn't stand the suspense, she turned around.

"Edward? What are you doing here and why are you following me?" she asked bewildered.

A perfectly good question.

"I came for you."


"I can't tell you that."


"You say that a lot don't you?"

She rolled her eyes and blushed.

My eyes became darker.

"Your eyes..." she trailed off.

I smiled a menacingly smile.

She seemed to understand now that she was in danger.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice breaking as I stalked forward.

"You'll see" was my response.


Bella's P.O.V.

I watched as he came forward, his coal eyes dangerous and frightening. I stepped backwords, only to smash my back on the wall.

He inched forward, something in his hand- I didn't want to know what it was.

"Please..."I begged, "Don't d-do th-this!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to," came his agonized voice.

He looked in pain, as if he was on fire.

He was suddenly in front of me, with his strong, pale arms around me. I was working up a scream but I knew no one would hear me.

What were the chances that about a mile away from where the tourists and shops were that they would hear a scream? And what were the odds that someone would have the bravery to see what was wrong?

Just as I opened my mouth, he covered it with a rag and I blanked out.


I was in a car, and I watched as the trees sped past, faster then normal. I looked at the fron of the car, to the speed meter, and saw we were over 100 miles per hour, but I couldn't find the strength to care.

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