something to know about me

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I like to ship things.
A lot of things.
Things that don't always make sense
Even to me.
But there is one thing I do, in fact, do most others don't.
If I ship two YouTubers....
I don't do the shipping of YouTubers.
I've come to notice that YouTubers are exaggerations of themselves and often use caricatures.
Therefore, never do I ship the actual beings. I only ship the ones who are real in our hearts!
That being said I am making a book that has a Mithmau future.
I completely respect real lives, duh.
However, the exaggerated personalities that are made as complete characters via the skin or mental image is what I really ship.
Such as #Dead.
Agent Shed and Death.... I will find time to make that, I have to!
Once again, I ship characters, not people.
In fact, I refrain from using real names if there is an alternative.
(Why I use Mithmau instead off maxmau or jesszan or something)
The only reason I used the ship mithross was because..... Well that's how Jess says it and what Max quickly will identify and respond to.
I wanted to clarify this as it's very clear Max does not appreciate shipping even though Jess seems super cool with it and if it is still bothersome I apologize.
I have no idea what the others I implanted in feel about it, but they seem to be cool with it and find it funny.
Also, I love an affectionate romance, but it feels odd to write, so don't expect any.... Bad touch -Jontron
However, it could be implied only by the appearance of kids or baby bellies during time skips......
Those chapters make me feel weird, in a very uncomfortable way.
That's just me!
That's all
Over and Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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