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Title: Immune-ish


Genre: Science fiction


Eva has lived a pretty normal life-at least to the standards of the zombie apocalypse. But when her family becomes infected, a wave of depression hits her and her life is sent spiraling out of control.

Xander is a different story. He could have saved his family from the zombies, but he didn't, and he lives with the guilt everyday. His only reason for being alive is the hope, though minimal, that he has for a cure. For a part of his family back.

My review:

Where do I even begin??? I guess I'll start with the prologue which was very strong.

"That was my first solid memory." I can't even find the words to explain the magnificent impact that single line had on me as a reader.

You do a nice job at grabbing the readers attention from the start. Some writers will struggle to keep a readers attention. The story will move very slowly and then eventually pick up. As an author it's important to move the story along as smoothly as possible and you did that quite nicely.

In the first chapter when they are in school I was expecting them to learn typical school criteria even though its a zombie story, however that was hardly the case. It caught me off guard when the teacher asked them to fight I enjoyed your use of the surprise element.

In chapter five that counting down was genius. It created suspense and though I knew what was coming you had me holding my breath as the numbers descended.

I admired the point of views and the contrast between the two characters. On one hand you have Xander, who comes of a tad morbid and mysterious. And on the other you have Eva, the girl that is full of life and open to the idea of falling in love. It works well

I love a good Science fiction story, especially one that consist of zombies. To all my readers, I highly recommend reading this story. I know I plan on finishing it. You won't regret it:)

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