Chapter Sixteen

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York does not like coffee. Shawn found this extremely ironic, because she works at a coffee shop.

The only kind of tea that she likes is herbal tea, which also happens to be Chance's favourite. Unfortunately for them, Chance also happens to be the type of person who takes the last of something, and forgets to write it on the shopping list.

After multiple offers of running to the store and buying another package of herbal tea bags, only to be shot down by further protests by York—an argument that was very strange, confusing, and drawn out, as conversed through paper—Shawn agreed to give York a glass of orange juice. Apple juice is her favourite, but they don't have any of that, either.

Shawn was fully aware that Chance could walk into the kitchen at any moment. She would've heard the door, followed by the shuffle of shoes being taken off and ripped sheets of paper. But for once, she wasn't butting her head into every single thing that went on in Shawn's life. She was holding herself captive in her bedroom, and Shawn was extremely grateful for it.

York wears mismatched socks. She's always groggy when she wakes, and she's a lazy person in general, and never bothers to find the correct match. Shawn also found this ironic, because she was so used to watching York buzz around Starbucks, always doing something—always busy. She would never have suspected her to be a lazy person, nor to completely accept and admit that.

Their night passed in a blur. As usual, time slipped away too quickly simply because they were enjoying it. The energy between them was electric, with unknown facts and new feelings reverberating around the room, and both girls were fully aware of it.

When York decided it was time to leave, Shawn realized she'd completely forgotten all of her mixed/uncertain feelings towards her that she'd felt only a few hours earlier.

But everything was different now. Shawn had never known anyone to be capable of shifting not only her mood, but every single feeling and opinion she had of them in such a short period of time. With that said, she'd never met anyone like York.

York insisted that she didn't need Shawn to walk her home. Although she lived twenty minutes away by foot, and the sun had completely set, she said she'd manage on her own.

As the two girls descended the elevator, Shawn demanding that she walk her to the lobby, York reluctantly wrote that she had a ride. She neglected to tell her who it was.

And then, she asked if she'd be seeing Shawn in Starbucks again.

Shawn laughed, and as she did so, noticed York staring at her fondly. She briefly wondered how strange it would be to watch the facial expressions of someone amidst laughter, or even just mildly giggling, yet without any sound accompanying it.    

I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but yes, you'll be seeing me there again, demanding even more coffee. And I'll be seeing you again... like this... out of work again?

York took the note from Shawn and skimmed it multiple times, as if she wasn't sure she'd read it correctly. Shawn watched the way her brown eyes shifted back and forth, right and left.

She then folded it neatly in half, slipping it into the pocket of her jeans, along with all of Shawn's other notes from the night.

She nodded in response.

The lobby was empty and silent, other than this evening's news playing softly from a TV hung on the wall, and the echoing footsteps of the girls. Shawn wasn't sure if she should follow York outside or not, and after a moment of indecision, she remained in the doorway, tapping her shoulder and waving at York before she slipped away.

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