Banana split with a side of tears

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                                                                                      Chapter 2 

      I watch as the couple fight from right across from me. They are screaming hurtful words saying how they wished they have never met each other before. I know them The girl is Destiny she's in my English twelve class and then there is Kyle I know him because everyone knows him. He won first place last year's state wrestling competition. 

I'm sitting on a bench reading with my ear buds in. My music isn't playing very loud cause I don't like to listen to it loud while reading. But they are over there and the guy is getting in the car while she's standing in the parking spot banging on his car door

He was her ride home. The car starts to back out of the parking spot and she backs away from the car giving him the not so nice Finger.

My eyes and mind start to go blank as i feel myself leaving.

Destiny is sitting alone at lunch which she has big fluffy jacket which I'm guessing its winter. Another girl that had long dyed red hair with icy silver eyes; very pretty. She asks for a seat and Destiny nods. The scene changes and they are walking into our large gym with big pretty dresses on hand in hand. Destiny looks a little scared while the other girl looks proud. Every one's eyes fall onto them including Kyle's and he is smiling proudly at her him being hand in hand with Jessica Destiny's best friend. Which Jessica's eyes hold disgust and offense. The scene changes again and I'm staring at wall the wall has a huge Portrait and it shows Destiny standing with a protruding stomach with her arm holding the bottom of it and in the other girl's arms is a young boy around the age 3. Sitting at their feet is a Golden retriever.

I feel myself coming back to reality. When I'm completely back I see that girl standing in the parking lot crying. I get up off the bench and go over to her.

"Hey Destiny" I say and her head lifts up to look at me and she's sniffing

"Hi." she turns her head away from me.

"Let's go. I'll take you home" I tell her and she looks back at me. She shakes her head no.

"I'm sorry Dawn but I can't, I don't want my dad seeing me like this" she looks down with tears falling from her face.

"Would you like to come to my house?" I suggest "No one is home except maybe my mom but all she will do is bake us some disgusting cookies to try and make you feel better" i say and she shakes her head no again

"No Dawn"

"You want to go get food and talk about it in my car" she looks up at me and nods her head yeah

"Lets' do it" I tell her as I guide her to my car

Yes, today would be Wednesday about an hour after school ended. Stuff like this happens a lot like at least four time a week. I'm not really shocked that this happened because I've seen and heard worst.

We make it to my car within a minute. She is still sniffing

I get in the drivers side while sending my mom a text saying I'll be home around five thirty to six. I start my car

"You got anything in mind you would like to get" she shrugged not knowing what to say

"How about ice cream?" she nodded her head

"Banana split" she muttered out "I like your car" she says and I smile. I love my charger with all my life.

"Thank you" I say as I reach to grab some napkins and hand them to her she kindly takes them to wipe her eyes. I drive out of the school parking lot and down the street to Kennan's ice cream shop. They have the biggest banana splits ever and their dipped cones are amazing Jenny, Abrianna, and I always come here to get ice cream. It's just a great place. Also it's the closest from the school.

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