Chapter Twenty-Six: Maxon

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Once they had given me the anesthesia, I fell right asleep, and began to dream almost instantly.

I had woken up with the sun, and walked over to my desk and saw the list of the Selected. I would be seeing these girls for the first time, and I was super nervous.

Once they had arrived, Gavril began the Report, and he introduced every single Selected lady.

"...Lady Celeste Newsome, Lady Marlee Tames, Lady Kriss Ambers, Lady America Singer, Lady Tiny Lee..." Gavril continued to announce the list, while my eyes caught sight of America Singer, her fiery red hair veiled onto her shoulders, and her icy blue eyes which could be seen from miles away. In her simple teal dress compared to the other ladies with stunning gowns, I could already tell that she was the most beautiful girl who had entered.

After the Report, I wanted to meet with America, to get to know her better. But as I was walking down the halls of the palace, Lady Tuesday and Lady Ashley had ambushed my path and introduced themselves. I spent the rest of the day with them and the other ladies, missing my chance to meet America, sadly.

Then came the night, where I was roaming the halls, but heard screaming and yelling. "I need fresh air!" someone had yelled.

"Lady America, you will need to go back to your room," spoke a guard.

"No! Let me go, please, I need fresh air. I can't breathe."

I rushed up to the scene and gestured for the guards to leave.

"Lady America?" I asked. Her fiery red hair glowed in the moonlight. I was mesmerized.

"Don't call me 'Lady,'" she insisted. "Your stupid guards wouldn't let me go outside."

"I'll let you go outside."

"Thanks, Prince Maxon." Then, like she had suddenly realized that I was the prince, America curtsied and put her hands to her face, laughing. "I'm not that good at this royal thing," she said, as if it were a secret confession.

"That's okay." Her cool blue eyes sent an abrupt chill through my body.

We spent that evening walking about the garden and talking. Then, I escorted her back to her room.

It was lovely, and I soon knew that I wanted America.

I woke up abruptly, and my heart was racing. Had I just dreamed about America, as if she were Selected? That was odd. I lifted up my injured arm and groaned. Pain shot up and down my arm, responding to my moving it.

The nurse walked in. "King Maxon, up already? How was your sleep?"

"Sleep? How was my surgery?"

The nurse smiled. "It went very well."

"Then why does my arm hurt like crazy?"

"It'll be that way for a bit. Right now, you need some rest. I'll be right back with some pain medicine."

I nodded and looked around the hospital room. The walls were gray but the sunlight from the window lit up the room. I thought of America.

The nurse walked back in and handed me two pills and a styrofoam cup of water. "Here you go. Anything else I can get you?"

After swallowing the pills and washing them down with water, I nodded. "America Singer. Where is she?"

"She's in the waiting room."

"Waiting room? How long has she been waiting?" I asked.

"For about three hours, the amount of time you were sleeping and in surgery," the nurse replied.

She had been waiting all that time? "Send her in, please," I demanded.

The nurse nodded once and exited the room. Two minutes later, America had ran in and hugged me. My arm throbbed with pain, but I didn't mind. I had America.

"I'm okay," I assured her before she could ask. She released from the hug and smiled.

"I knew you would be," she said. "I love you".

"I love you too."

If America Wasn't Selected: A Selection FanficWhere stories live. Discover now