Respect and Support the Author

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There's a story, there are characters and settings, and then there are the creators. Without them the stories wouldn't be there.

A good thing to remember about fanfictions is that they are probably written by people in their spare time. If they happen to release a chapter '2 hours ago' don't hound them to write another immediately.

The creator will probably know when it's been a long update by adding their commentary at the beginning or end of the story.

You can help a writer a lot by giving a review, kudos ,bookmarking, likes, reblogs, or favorites on whatever site you use. That helps support the writer, knowing that their story is liked and known.

If you do give a review remember to be kind. Don't criticize the writer because they chose the wrong ship or that their story is dumb altogether. Simply point out mistakes as respectful as possible.

Remember that fanfictions are free for everyone to read.

Discouraging an artist is one of the worst things you could do.

Fanfiction writer appreciation day is on August 21.

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