Four Months Later

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"UGHH it's been forever where is he?!"

Eddie giggled and punched his best friend Aleks on the shoulder.

"Dude calm down he needs to pick up his suitcase and stuff."

"I know but I miss him. I haven't seen him in like four months. You know me. I missed him when he was gone for a day," Aleks huffed. He pushed his hair out of his forehead and fiddled with his graphic tee. "Plus, it's so stuffy in here with all these people."

Eddie laughed again. "Dude, chill! Just be glad there's air conditioning. It's boiling outside."

"Just walking from the parking lot to the airport made me sweat bro. But still it's so much better than the cold. I can wear layers of clothes and still be freezing."

"I know," Eddie stroked his scruffy chin. "Which makes no sense because you're Russian."

"Shut up," Aleks punched Eddie back.

Ten minutes passed. A crowd of people emerged, lugging their suitcases behind them. Most of them wore suits and looked like they were here for business meeting. They met up with some hotel staff holding iPads with their names on the screen on display. Aleks craned his neck around them desperately.

Amongst the crowd, a dingy moody teenaged boy was trying to manoeuvre his way around families and couples. His large suitcase was heavy but he pulled it determinedly. Soon, he would see someone he really missed.


Eddie's voice rang through the crowd, causing the boy's ears to perk up. He looked around at all the people waiting. Where did that sound come from...


This time, the voice cause his heart to skip a beat. Even after four months, he'd recognise that velvety voice anywhere.

"Aleks? Aleks!"

There he was. Er, they were. Kevin's face broke into a huge grin and he sprinted to his friends. Aleks arms opened and Kevin dropped his suitcase and pulled his boyfriend in for a hug.

"Oof!" Aleks buried his face in Kevin's chest and breathed in. He really, really missed that mahogany scented cologne.

"I missed you so goddamn much," Kevin murmured into Aleks' hair. It was much shorter now, but still feathery soft and smelt like his flowery shampoo.

"I missed you too," Aleks sounded like he was gonna cry. Honestly. Fucking drama queen.

"Okay, lovebirds," Eddie cleared his throat to get their attention. The two finally separated, and Kevin pulled Eddie in for a hug.

"Dude!" Kevin scratched Eddie's chin. "Looking good, Eddie. Are you growing out your beard?"

"It's summer, let me do what I want," Eddie giggled and ruffled Kevin's hair back. "Quiff looking good."

"As I always do," Kevin smirked. "Where's everyone else?"

"They're in the truck waiting. It's impossible to park around here," Aleks wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist.

Together, the three of them left the airport to try and find their friends' truck.

"Fuuuck," Eddie swore, lifting his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. "It's so hot. I can't wait till we hit the beach later."

Aleks also peeled away from Kevin and pulled his thin shirt away from his torso. "Same, bro. Where the hell are those fucks?"

"It's no that bad," Kevin commented. "It was freezing on the airplane."

The two friends turned to squint at Kevin. He wore a plain white tee, a thin hoodie and Levi's that hung loosely on his long legs.

"Babe," Aleks whined. "How in this weather are you wearing those dark jeans?"

Here it is!! The long awaited sequel to Maroon Sweater ;) yep I'm continuing it!! Btw just a disclaimer: I am actually no longer really in the Creatures fandom. As in I don't really keep up with them so idk about the new members but I still follow some blogs on tumblr about them so I have minimal info. This fanfic will feature some of the newer Creatures members and some old ones and A LOT of original characters bc it would be easier for me to use my own characters to help my plot progress.
Anyways hope you enjoyed and vote and comment for more chapters!!

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