Kyungsoo- Cheating?

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A/N: Just in case you're unclear, y/n means your name and I will also be using Kim woo bin as your best friend in the story. Kyungsoo is going to be in Exo in this story and Kim woo bin will also be famous in this story

Today was the day. The day your best friend Kim Woo Bin finally arrives from making his movie abroad. It's been almost a year. Kim woo bin and you were always inseparable, almost like you were conjoined by the hip. Not even after becoming a "Hallyu" star did that affect your relationship. Of course, you were proud of woo bin and his accomplishments but you still missed him and wished he'd been with you more often.

You shook those selfish thoughts aside and ran downstairs to see if your parents were ready to go to pick your best friend up from the airport. His parents weren't able to because of their busy work schedule but you didn't mind because that meant you could go in their place. You look at your watch and think '1 more hour till I get to see my best friend'. As you walk into the kitchen you see your mother finishing up making breakfast and your dad pouring himself some coffee into his favorite mug that you had bought him for fathers day. You smiled to yourself remembering the memories of little you doing extra chores so that you could finally buy that mug he now cherishes.

You were snapped out of your thought by your mother trying to catch your attention."sit down sweetheart, the food is ready" I took in the smell of the food that was waiting for me at my seat "food looks delicious mom, as always" I replied. "She's got a point, honey " my father agreed "you guys are too kind" my mother laughed. Not too soon after we finished I checked my watch for what felt like the hundredth time since we sat down to eat. '2:30 pm ' It said. '30 more minutes ' I thought.

As I sat down with my dad on the couch waiting for my mom to finish the dishes, I kept bouncing my leg from all the excitement. My dad looked at me and chuckled "someone seems eager". "you have no idea" I giggled. As my mom walked out she asked " Are you guys ready-" "-yes!" I cut her off and ran to the door. My mother and father just laughed and shook their heads at my sudden outburst.

The car ride was faster than I thought it would be. As we parked the car I hopped off as fast as possible but still making sure the car was at a complete stop. As soon as we walk into the airport this sudden urge of wanting to travel hit me. 'Maybe someday ' I thought to myself.

As we waited for woo bin to arrive I felt a buzz in my pocket. 'Must be my phone '. I check the ID and it said 'My everything 💖 ' I smiled to myself recalling my boyfriend kyungsoo changing the caller ID to what I have now. It read 'jagiya! I miss you! Let's hang out! xoxo ' as I was about to reply I heard my mother tell my father that Woo Bin had arrived. As I looked up there he was. My best friend. Kim woo bin in the flesh walking towards me. I put my phone back in my pocket forgetting I had received a text. I ran up to him hugging him afraid that if I let go he'll disappear. He hugged back with the same strength. " I missed you kiddo," he said, I let go of our embrace smacking him on the chest "Yah! You're only a year older than me" he chuckled " I know, I just missed messing with you" I gave him a fake hurt expression "so you didn't miss ME?" he laughed again "of course I did," he said pulling me back into an embrace. After we let go he greeted my mom and dad and thanked them for picking him up from the airport

>>skip car ride<<

As we arrived home I remembered I had received a text message from my boyfriend kyungsoo. I replied quickly letting him know I couldn't today 'I'm sorry Oppa but I can't today. Maybe tomorrow? xoxo '. I put my phone back into my purse and asked Woo Bin " So, what do you want to do today?" he looked at me and placed a finger on his chin showing that he was thinking "hmmm how about we go for a walk around the stores? My legs feel cramped from the long airplane ride" "sounds nice!" I replied

kyungsoo's P.O.V

As I woke up I felt content for the first time in a while with the hours I slept. I stretch my body and sat up. I stand up and make my way to the kitchen where most of the members were. Others were in the living room watching a movie. I walk towards the table and sat down to pour myself some cereal. "Hey, Kyungsoo! Do you want to go shopping with me today?" Baekhyun asked. "Um, I don't know. Let me see what y/n is doing today" "Okay, just let me know," he said, "will do". I take my phone out and message my girlfriend y/n 'Jaya! I miss you! Let's hang out! xoxo '. I wait for her reply but nothing, 'must be busy ' I thought. I finished eating and cleaned my dishes and the area I sat. I check to see if y/n has replied but still nothing 'hmmm that's odd. She doesn't normally take this long' but before I could worry any longer I received a text message with the caller ID 'My Jagiya' 💑' it read 'I'm sorry Oppa but I can't today. Maybe tomorrow? xoxo '. 'Well that's disappointing but I can't do anything about it. I go to notify Baekhyun that I was going to be able to go shopping with him after all

Baekhyun and I started walking towards the stores to look for a nice place to shop. Still bummed that I couldn't hang out with my jagiya, I tried my best to not let it show so Baekhyun didn't feel obligated to cheer me up. As we finally decided on a store Baekhyun bumped my shoulder and said in a hushed tone, "Hey, isn't that y/n?" "and oh my god! Is that Kim woo bin" he said louder. I tried shushing him so they didn't hear us "Yah be quiet! I don't want them seeing us" as I looked at y/n's beautiful face she looked so happy. She kept laughing at whatever that punk was saying. 'Is this why she said she couldn't hang out?'' 'So that she could be alone with him?' 'Is she cheating on me?' 'No! There's no way! She loves me. Right?'' That last part was me trying to assure myself more than anything. "Hyung" Baekhyun said shaking me out of my trans. He looked at me with a stoic face and asked "Do you think he'll give me his autograph" referring to Kim woo bin. He stifles a laugh and I just glared at him. As I was about to go confront them I see them hugging. Not just any hug but more like an 'I've been longing for this type of hug. I stopped dead in my tracks. 'She IS cheating on me! '. Baekhyun looked at me with a shocked yet sympathetic look on his face. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I ran out of the store before she could see me.

Another A/N: I hope you guys liked it! Remember guys. This is my first imagine. Ever. Please comment below and tell me what you think. I'll be posting part 2 either today to tomorrow!
*just in case you don't know who Kim woo bin is. This is him

 This is him

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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