Chapter 1 the unknown

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Working like an alarm clock, the gleaming Australian sun beamed through the hotel window right on Rikki's sleeping eyes. While she laid there in the deluxe king bed, Rikki started to think how amazing it would be to see with her old mermaid friends again - Cleo and Emma. All the great memories were flooding her mind as started to dream off...

Smiling as she dreamed, she was awoken by thunderous pounding on her door.
"Miss Chadwick? Miss Chadwick? Are you awake?" Mr.Singh yelled out while standing outside her door.

Rikki looked at her alarm clock to see it was horrifically 6:00 am. She didn't have to get up for at least three more hours. She laid there wondering what on earth could her pompous agent want at the crack of dawn.

"Do you hear me? It's missing! The lovely dragon piece is gone! The foundation didn't receive it! That was one of my favorite pieces and now it's missing!"

Rikki moaned, "It must of fallen out of the case while they were driving. Don't worry about it!" In her head she said, '' I guess I wouldn't enjoy Mr. Singh figuring out where it went".

"I have a right to worry about it; if the foundation doesn't receive it by next week you're fired!" Mr.Singh exclaimed.

Rikki rolled her eyes and threw the covers over her head.

"Miss Chadwick?! Do you comprehend an ounce of what I'm saying?"

Wishing she could just disappear, Rikki remembered Ondina's wonderful invisible power she taught her...

"Okay Rikki, put your hand in front of yourself and grab," Ondina said.

"Alright, I got this. In front and grab," Rikki whispered.

Stressed and not sure of herself, Rikki went to follow the command and she grabbed in front of herself, a small sparks started to singe her hair.

With a confused grimace, Rikki sighed this will never work.

With tears in her eyes over laughter, Ondina giggled " I forget to mention, you should concentrate on how invincible you would be if you were invisible."

Rikki tried again with total success!

Rikki jumped out of bed and rushed to get dressed with Mr Singh still making a ruckus outside her door. As Rikki was turning invisible Mr. Singh shouted, " Miss Chadwick, what is that whooshing sound?

Looking in her mirror, not seeing herself, Rikki began to laugh out loud.

"Miss Chadwick? Are you laughing now? Do you understand how serious this is!"

Rikki quieted herself and opened the door to her room to see Mr. Singh turn white as a ghost as the door appeared to open by itself.

"Holly sweet mother of pearl!" Mr. Singh cried as he ran down the hallway and out the exit door.

Scene change moon pool

"Rikki your back!" Mimi said.

I thought you'd be here, I've got some bad news, Rikki sighed.

What is it? Mimi asked.

You know the bracelet I gave you? Rikki asked.

Mimi nodded.

Well, Mr. Singh, my Agent said that If I don't give the bracelet back to the Foundation by next week, I'll get fired.

Oh no! I gave the bracelet to the mermaid council, Mimi said.

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