Boggart : Dementor

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         Harry didn't know what to expect when he stepped up to face the boggart. He wasn't exactly afraid of anything. If anything, Voldemort. But then he remembered the night in the train, the pain he felt when the dementor sucked in his face. It wasn't pleasant whatsoever.
        He staggered back as the dark figure ghosted towards him and panic ran through him. Would he have to endure that pain again? Would he be defenseless? Would-
Before his train of panic could go on any further, professor Lupin saved him for the second time in small spam of time he's known him. After he sobered, he could hear faint snickers. He looked behind him to see Malfoy and his posey covering their mouths.
        "Potter is scared of Dementors? Aww that's so cute" Malfoy laughed along with Crabbe and Goyle. Harry glared at them, but just shook his head at Ron who looked ready to pounce.
        "Shut up, Malfoy" Harry said and walked a little closer to them. Malfoy calmed down and, in long strides, strode up to Harry, smirking, and getting a little too close for comfort.
        "Make me, Potter" Malfoy smirked-smiled? They both glared at each other, or, Harry did. Malfoy just smirked, clearly taking advantage of his height over Harry. Harry heard Professor Lupin say something, but it was in the distance, drowned.
        "Professor Lupin" Harry's voice seemed to echo in the room. "May I request a duel with Draco Malfoy" Harry sneered out the others name. The room was silent, the only thing Harry's heard was his and Malfoy's breathing. Malfoy smirked again and leaned down towards Harry.
        "I'd be glad to..." He whispered.
        "Get a room!" A voice in the crowd, Harry assumed Seamus, interrupted whatever had been going on between him and Malfoy. The both turned to glare. The Professor sighed.
        "Better for it to be monitored than not" Harry could basically feel Malfoy's smugness.
        They both flicked their wands to their face.
        "Scared Potter?" Malfoy snickered. He's enjoying this too much.
        "You bloody wish" he spat. They walked opposite of each other and turned around.
        "One" Harry drew his wand.
        "Get ready Potter..." Malfoy hummed and his face seemed to be plastered with that stupid smirk of his. Harry will be sure to rid his face of it.
        "Two" He stood in the classic duel position.
        "... For your world to be rocked" Harry sneered at him, but he was confused. Why had Malfoy chosen those particular words? Why did he have that stupid grin-smirk, definitely a smirk- on his face? Why-
        "Three" Malfoy spun and quickly cast a Confringo.
Harry blocked in with Aguamenti, the water engulfing the fire. So Malfoy wants to play.
        "Flipendo!" As much as this was dangerous, it was fun. Malfoy staggered back and quickly cast Stupefy.
        As if on cue, Malfoy cast Ennervate almost as fast as Harry said the spell.
Malfoy regained his footing and cast a spell that Harry hadn't heard of and he didn't know how to repel it.
        "Obscuro!" Suddenly his vision was no longer.
        "Damnit Malfoy!" Harry yelled and heard Malfoy laughed loudly. He didn't usually curse, but Malfoy was really on his nerves today.
        "Oh shut up!" Harry grit his teeth. He cast Densaugeo and couldn't suppress a laugh along with the rest of the class. Oh what he would give to see Malfoy with enlarged teeth.
        "Pother!!" Harry laughed again but prepared for what Malfoy would cast.
        "Avis!" Really? That one? Harry's childish thoughts were swept away as small claws and beaks swarmed around him. He flailed his arms around, trying to protect himself but failing. He winced as he felt the claws dig into his cheek, breaking the skin.
        "Serpensortia, Serpensortia, Serpensortia!!" Harry cast three snakes, but he made sure they weren't poisonous or venomous. He asked them to go towards Malfoy in parseltongue and the doubt he had if them not complying was whisked away as he heard Malfoy's shriek and a thud on the floor. He heard the class laughing and he laughed a little as well. It was a pretty ironic situation. Malfoy cast a snake at him in first year, now he cast snakes at him.
        "Not so confident now are you Malfoy?" He finally Stupefied the swarm of birds around him. He still felt the sting of their claws and beaks on his skin. He was sure that he is probably bleeding.
            "Reducio" Malfoy cast on himself to rid himself of the big teeth. "Immobulus" Malfoy muttered at the three snakes surrounding him, "Think you're funny Potter?"
        "Yes, a little bit" he smirked at him.
        "What the hell Malfoy!" Harry's limbs started to move on their own and he-reluctantly-started to dance.
        "Rictusempra!" He growled, satisfied when Malfoy started laughing from invisible tickles. The entire class was laughing, and he thought he heard Professor Lupin laugh as well.
        Malfoy was obviously having trouble speaking, and he was satisfied with that. His voice was annoying.
        "Levicorpus!" Harry cast as soon as he could control his arm. The classes laughter erupted again as Malfoy was hung upside down. Malfoy seemed to fit in a scream with his laughter.
        "I-Incarcerous!" Harry instantly felt ropes encircle him and he tripped over one of them and ended up falling on his back, his limbs still trying to dance.
        "Alright, a-alright" professor Lupin chuckled and Harry's vision was graciously returned to him. He blinked several times and grinned at the slight of Malfoy squirming from invisible tickles upside down.
        "That's enough for today" Harry glanced back and saw him hanging his head, obviously trying to calm himself. "I've had a good laugh, that's for sure" with a flick of his wand Malfoy stopped laughing, the invisible tickles gone.
        The ropes around Harry loosened and he frantically tried to get out of them, the forceful dancing ceasing as well.
        "Class dismissed" Lupin said and the rest of the students gathered their belongings. "Harry, I have to go to a professor meeting, help Draco down" Harry's jaw dropped and he stared after Lupin.
        "Wait professor!" But the door had already closed. He turned to look at Malfoy.
        "Hmm that was fun" whatever Harry had expected for a response, was definitely not that. Did Malfoy hit his head before coming to class?
        "I'm sure you like seeing me like this..." Harry sighed and stood up, walking over to the smirking Malfoy.
        "I'm pretty sure you enjoy this" Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
        "Now, why would I enjoy being hung upside down?" Malfoy smirked.
        "I'm not sure. You liked us dueling"
        "Yes, well, it was fun to be around you and not throw insults" How is having a duel not insultingly?
        "Watch yourself Malfoy, you almost said you enjoy my company" Malfoy just smirked.
        "What if I do?" Damnit, is he flirting again? He's just doing it to throw you off your game, Harry. Don't get him get to you.
        "I'm flattered" he growled
        "Hmm you should be" ok, enough.
        He didn't exactly think before he murmured Relashio because the next thing he knew he was on the ground with Malfoy on top of him.
        "Who are you to say 'ow'? You're the one who fell on me!"
        "Being hung upside down makes blood pool into my head, and landing on your body which is hard as a bloody rock didn't exactly help" Malfoy's words were harsh but his tone wasn't. The blonde lifted his head up and smirked right in Harry's face, resting his chin on his laced fingers.
        "Then get off me if my body isn't as good as a cushion as you would want it to be!"
        "I didn't say I didn't like it" Malfoy's smirk broadened. Harry flustered. What the hell? Who says that?
        "And you're lying if you say you didn't like it"
        "Like what?"
        "The duel of course" Malfoy hummed and tilted his head to the side, which reminded Harry that Malfoy was still on top of him.
        "Yes, that may have been fun, but you on me isn't. You're heavy, so please get off" but Malfoy made no attempt to move.
        "I'd rather not. Despite what I said, you're quite comfy" Harry looked at Malfoy like he was crazy. Which, he probably is.
        "But since you asked nicely" Malfoy rolled off him and stood up, offering Harry his hand. Harry absentmindedly took it. But then he remembered that it was Malfoy's hand so he lightly panicked at the thought of Malfoy dropping him, tripping him, hexing him, or-
        His thoughts were skidded to a halt as he was jerked forward and soft lips pressed against his cheek.
        "See you later, Harry" Malfoy left him frozen in place. It wasn't until the door shut and several moments after that a single thought invaded his mind.

🐍Hehe. This was fun to write.
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