23 - NEWS

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Hello guys and gals; all my fellow gossip lovers. In our last issue we spoke about a possible love triangle between our darling Jon Snow, our rugged Bucky Barnes and our ass kicking Nikolina Ivanov. Of course when they're not on screen they're just Kit, Sebastian an Aria but that's not really the point.

We all had our suspicions and our chosen sides throughout this escapade but you guys can give up now because any hope we had of a budding romance between Kit and Aria or Aria and Sebastian has gone down the drain - big time.

Aria herself put out quite a message with her latest Instagram post : http://aria.evans/instagram/photo.co.uk

So after all this our ships have definitely been sunk. But were you team karia or sebaria?

Photograph ⇨ Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now