My Possesive Alpha Mate

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1 Chapter... 16th bday

I wake up happier then ever knowing that today is my 16th bday. By the way Im sophie.

I go to my closet to find something to wear I decide on some short shorts and a crop shirt from american eagle that says Friday and my black toms.

Then I go curl my hair with my curling iron and put some makeup trying to leave it as natrual as possible.

After I finished getting ready I go to the mirror and I have to say i looked fine and my but looked fineeee in this shorts.

I went down stairs and my brothers came up to me hugged me and congraduated me Max my older brother came up to me and said that I was getting to old then Seth my other brother wich is a senior in my school who is what you would describe a high school jock/player came up to me and said that he will make sure to keep the guys away from me wich i just rolled my eyes.

When we finished eating breakfeast i headed to my brothers car and he drove to school. When we got to school I got out of the car and immedietly a bunch of people came up to my brother and started talking to him nothing out of the usual. A couple people congraduated me and hugged me but me I was just thinking of who my mate will be?

Oh yeah did I not meantion im a wearwolf well yes i am is nothing that wiered I go to an all wearwolf school that is here in the terretory. I get interrupted of my train of thought when my best friend comes up to me running screaming like a meaniac.

'OMG i cant believe is your 16 bday already your so lucky youll find your mate.' She says i just smile and say thanks

We talk for a while about who my mate is gonna be and walk over to our lockers. After we get our things from my locker we head over to class to get this day on the rode.

2 Chapter.... who que what

After the bell of my last class rings I head to the locker rooms to change because I had cheerleading practice.

When i got there the girls in my team said happy bday and i said thanks and we talked while we got dress I had a pair of nike cheer shoes my school shirt and some holister sweat pants that matched the shirt with the school colors.

We went out to the field and started strecthing. Our coach was in vacation wich I think is a horrible idea to go on vacation when we have our biggest games of the year this months so me and my bestfriend were incharge because we were captains.

After we were all strecthed we started practicing the dances while other girls stunted and others worked on there jumps.

At the end we all go together to do the dances and cheer wich were really good and we were deffenetly ready for the game tonight.

We all huddle in a circle trying to figuere out what we were gonna wear tonight it wasnt mandetory to wear uniforms so we can use anything we want but it has to be school colors. We decided on the white bow everyones hair up, our marron cheer shorts and the crop shirts we ordered wich were really cute and was alittle bit higher then my bellybotton wich I didnt really care because I get to show off my bellybotton pierce I got last year for my birthday.


It was finally time for the game all of us went back to our houses and got changed me my brother and friend took the same car do we were all going to the same place.

I got out of the car and my brother disapeared to god nows were.

'Your brother is hot.' Ashley says

'Ew I think you just make me puke a little when you put hot and my brother together.' I said

'But is true.' Ashley says

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