The Gymnastics Girl (a Niall Horan fanfic)

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My best friend Lexi Jones fist bumps me. I make my way over to the blue mat and put my hands up and concentrate. I do a back handspring, back handspring back layout. I land on one foot while the other is behind my right foot.

I start practicing my jump pass; i begin to think it in my head over and over again before i preform it.

I take two steps and do a switch leap wolf leap, thats my first pass my second is a pike jump sheep jump. After i finished i decided to walk around and find Lexi.. Thats when i notice my other best friends Natalye and Rayne Morales.

Natalye and Rayne smile really big before running up and engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.

"hey!" Rayne and Natalye say after letting me go out of their death grip. "hey girlie" I say while walking to find Lexi. "Are you competing today?" they ask me while walking with me. "Yeah but only on bars because I'm not ready to preform the other ones just yet." "i cant wait to watch you and Lexi!" Natalye says while smiling at me. "okay well i'll see you later guys im gonna go catch up to Lexi." i say while walking. "okay bye Natalie!"

Okay maybe I should tell you about myself before i get to carried away. Ok. My name is Natalie Woods, Im 17 and live in New York with my Mom and Dad. Me and my Best friends are all star cheerleaders and gymnast and also do tumbling. I am in LOVE with One Direction but I've always had a little soft spot for Niall. All my friends are taken while I'm sitting at home on saturday nights alone. I have a brother named Carson Woods whose an all star baseball player with my best friend, Lexi's boyfriend, Keegan Anderson. Natalye's boyfriend is Jacob Garcia who I've never met for some reason but she talks about him A LOT! Rayne's boyfriend is Austin Powers who is a really chill person that anybody would want to be around and its my best guy friend. Then they're is me, all alone watching movies on saturday nights with my brother, he falls asleep it the first 20 mins of the movie.

I walked over to Lexi, she is about to preform her routine for the gymnastics tournament. I'm up after her performing my back handspring double then over to the double bars to do some flips and back flip onto the mat.

Once i heard the intercom come giving the 10 minute warning till the tournament started, i started to get nervous. Lexi started making her way onto the blue bouncy floor. The announcer announced Lexi's name and age before she started her flips. She started to run across the ground and did a cartwheel, back handspring, back handspring the a double with a perfect landing then posed and smiled. Everyone clapped and whistled for her. Then before i knew it they announced my name to come out to the floor. My coach motioned me to start my routine. I started out on the parallel bars using all my upper body strength to lift me up and swing enough to do flips and get on the higher bar. After i got to the higher bar i did a double backflip and landed perfectly with my arms up, chest out and a smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SORRY ITS SHORT! SO THEYRE IS MY FIRST CHAPTER HOPE YALL LIKED IT! DONT FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE! i will update soon!

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