Chapter 3

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Sup guys.So I'm not sure who's POV the next chapter is gonna be so comment any I ideas please :)

Peace out ✌


P.S I do not own the PJO or HoO series

Piper's POV

I got up to the sound of screaming.I immediately shot out of my bed and grabbed my knife from my bed stand.

"What's wrong!?"I said.

"HARRY STYLES JUST FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!!" Said one of my sisters.(p.s no disrespect to one direction fans,I actually like them)

"Ughh" I flopped on my bed and tried to go back to bed,but then someone started knocking on the door.

"Come in"I said with a groggy voice.

"Hey Piper,we got to go.You ready?"asked Hazel.

"Wait,what time is it?"I asked

"About 10:00."

"Oh I over slept.Ok I'll be out in a minute."

When she left I got up,took a quick shower,brushed my teeth and changed my cloth.I went to Thalia's tree were the others were.

"Pop tart?" Offered Leo.

"No,I'm fine."

"What!?How can someone refuse a pop tart,a beautiful yummy pop tart!?"he asked dramatically.

"Chill repair boy,I'm just hungry right now,save me one though."

"Ok crazy."he looked me as if I just refused a million dollars,witch in Leo's mind,I probably did.

"Argus is here."said Jason.At that our camp watch guard/driver honked the horn to the camp van.We all piled in,Me at the back with Hazel at my right and Leo to my left.In the front was Jason,Percy and Frank and Annabeth in the front.

"There'a not enough room in here Argus." I knew he wouldn't answer but I had to ask.

He grunted and pointed one of his eye covered fingers towards a van next to us filled with the rest of our friends.

"Who's driving that one."asked Annabeth.

"Father,I'm not doing this!First you make me go to this horrible camp then you make me drive a van for spoiled demigods,who do you think I am!?!"

"You will do what I say Dionysus,unless you want your punishment to be a bit longer?"said Zeus threateningly.

"Fine,this is a waste of time."grumbled Dionysus.He walked over and sat in the drivers seat.

"No way,Mr.D is driving!?"asked Leo.

"I'm never going to let him live this down."

"Oh shut up you ungrateful demigods!"snarled Mr.D

We were by now all laughing our butts off,the idea was just to funny.Mr.D driving a van full of demigods,that's a blow right to his face.

"We'll be better start going.Ready Argus?"asked Annabeth.

He gave a grunt and started the engine.In no time we were off.

_________30 mins later________

When we finally arrived we stopped at this beautiful apartment building.It was made out of glass and the edges were mahogany wood.It was literally the most awesome building,well expect Olympus.

"Thanks for the ride Argus." Said Jason as he unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door.Argus gave one of his signature grunts and a rare smile,of course he didn't open his mouth,he never did."Well lets all go check out this bad boy!"said Leo while he was bouncing up and down.We all climbed out of be doors and started walking towards the building.When we got to the lobby we walked to the front table.

"Hi we have to lofts here."said Frank

The guy looked around checking if there were any people around.

"So the heroes arrive,Zeus gave me specific instructions that the girls and boys must be in separate rooms."he said with a stern face and stuffy,which didn't look right because he was a young guy with bright red hair and hazel eyes.He then bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry that was just to serious for me.Okay now where were we?"he said

I like this guy.

"Well,I think you were gonna show us your rooms."said Jason with a smile on his face.

"Oh yeah"he said while pulling out a a box and a set of keys."so these are your keys."

He opened the box and handed us each a key,girls had a pink circle on the back boys blue,with their names next to it.

"Go up to the 400th floor,the button will open up once you step inside."

"Thanks,what's your name by the way?"asked Leo.

"John.John Weasly."

"Thanks John,see ya around."

We all walked into the elevator and a bright silver button suddenly appeared.Annabeth pressed the button.

"I wanted to push the button."whined Percy.

"Stop being a seaweed brain."said Annabeth as she playfully punched him in the arm.

Before the Percy could say anything the elevator opened.The girls went to their lofts the boys to theirs.Then we opened the door.It was described in one word,


So,what do you think?Oh,and please comment ideas for the next P.O.V I can't think of anything.

Peace out ✌


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