Chapter 17

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Grey's POV

Soon enough we came to the conclusion that we were to meet near Half Moon's entrance. We also came to the conclusion, whether they like it or not, that I go in first. If anyone can knock some sense into Ezra; it's me.

"Grey Dante, good to see you."

I turned to face Jare, her brother. We became good friends during my visit here last. He pulled me into a friendly hug and I relaxed a bit, feeling a nice rush of dejá vú from being here.

Who's he? Adrien asked through the mate bond. I rolled my eyes at him.

Her brother Jare. Don't worry, he's married.

I wasn't jealous.

I rolled my eyes mentally and pulled back. "How's Kylie?" I asked, trying to start up conversation.

"She's away visiting her family, so I'm left to wrangle the boys."

I laughed. "How old are Chase and Alex now?"

"Chase is 10 and Alex is 9."

I did a double take and stared at him for what seemed like forever. "I haven't been here in like 2 years?!"

He nodded his head and slightly laughed at my expression. I took a quickly look around, trying to see if I could spot Ezra.

"You're crazy sister around?" I asked Jare. He nodded and led me to an open grass area.

"She's finishing up training the younger kids, just take a left turn and when you see a place that looks like it was hit by a tornado of kids, that probably means you found it."

I chuckled and jogged to the left. As I passed a tree a group of girls came into view. They were hanging upside down on one of the branches. That did not look stable whatsoever.

"You girls supposed to be up there?" I called to them. They took a moment to giggle amongst themselves, then gave me their attention once more.

"No, but Alpha Ezra was being unfair in her lessons. They got so uptight and boring!" A girl whined. I thought to myself for a moment and wondered how I could get these girls to come down.

"What do you want to learn?" I baited. Of course, they immediately began to blurt out every known thing possible.

"How about how to use a bow and arrow?" I tried. They immediately lit up and all four of them began to figure out how to get down.

"Braids and blonde I think you can just jump down from where you are."

They let go of their grips on the branch and fell on the grass. They joined me at my sides and watched as the girl in a ponytail guided herself down from the higher height.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked. I gave her a small smile. "I go by Grey Dante. I visited your home awhile ago and became very good friends with Ezra."

"Are you an alpha?" A voice said from the tree. The fourth girl had of course picked the highest branch. I nodded my head and her eyes narrowed.

"Alpha Dante killed my parents."

My eyes widened and I stared at the little girl with sadness, then realized where she was going with this. "That was my father, he goes by Alpha Dante, I don't. He's a cruel, cruel man. I'm so sorry for your loss, I wish he didn't do the things he did. But I need you to trust me for a moment. You're going to have to jump into my arms."

She shook her head and buried herself closer to the tree. "Come on Adeline, it's okay," The blonde coaxed. I stared into Adeline's big blue eyes. "I will catch you, I won't let you fall. You will be ok."

She gulped and into a kneeling position. She pushed herself off the tree and into the air. She landed swiftly in my arms and I placed her on the ground.

"See? Didn't let you fall."

She smiled and took my hand as I led them towards Ezra's booming voice far ahead.

"Give me 20 more laps!"

I smiled as I saw the long black hair of my friend, pulled back into her signature tight ponytail, come into view. I began to walk over to her.

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh?" I whispered in her ear. She turned around immediately with eyes of fury, then smiled brightly as she saw my face.

"Gracie!" She called, pulling me into a hug.

"How's it going Ezzie?" I said, smiling.

Gracie? Ezzie?

I mentally laughed at Adrien's confused tone.

Shut up. And where in the world are you?

By the tree you were at earlier

Adrien! She could see you!

Ezra interrupted my thoughts before I could scold Adrien more.

"What brings you out here?" She asked.

I looked at the little girl attached to my leg, then spoke. "I uh saw these little guys hanging around a tree on my way in. I kinda promised them I would teach them how to use a bow," I said, gesturing to the girls next to me.

"That's where you girls have been! I've been trying to keep the others busy so I could find you. Now go join them and I promise we'll learn how to use a bow and arrow next," she promised.

They shrieked in happiness. "Thank you Alpha Ezra!" They chorused, running to join the others. I laughed and turned back to Ezra.

"Ezra!" I heard Jonah call. I turned to him and my eyes widened and I smacked my forehead after seeing who was attached to his arms.

I turned to Ezra again. "Ezra, I would like you to meet my brother Nate and my mate, Alpha Black."

Her eyes widened and her look darkened. "You have some serious explaining to do."


Long time no see? Heh? I'm so sorry that I haven't updated any of my books in awhile. I've been going through a really tough time, cliché I know, but I'm trying to at least finish this story. That's my goal. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and once again I'm really sorry. Kitty Out!

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