Chapter One

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"So, you're the famous Tobuscus, huh?" She smirked, leaning against the wall, guitar in hand. There was something about her cockiness, her stature, the way she played, it just lured him in.

"Yeah, I am!! I, uh...I saw your performance. You're really good!! I'd love to duet sometime" Toby nervously tapped the inside of his hoodie pockets, hoping for a positive answer.

You see, if Toby hadn't lost his wallet in the bar earlier, he wouldn't have gone back without Seth and Jack. He wouldn't have heard her sing, he wouldn't have been entranced by her. She noticed that about herself and used it to her full advantage.

"Hmm...if you didn't sing about crap like swords and sideburns. you'd be something, I tell you." She smiled, Jesus, that crooked smile. Toby curled his hands into fists, looking away, as not to be hypnotized. She whipped out a pen and grabbed Toby's arm, shrugging the hoodie sleeve up and scribbling numbers. Only a second after she put her pen away did he realize it was her phone number.

"Call me if you still feel up to dueting, babe" She grinned, then walked out the bar, flashing the horns behind her.



"Dude, we need her on the album!! I mean, it's HER!!!" Alex argued, full on challenging his band members.

Don't be surprised. The same thing happened not just to a certain Alex Gaskarth, but also his friend, Vic.

"Dude, you had a one night stand with her, if even a fucking night!! You don't even know her name, for Christ's sake!!" Jack argued. Alex had to admit, he was right...but he didn't get in bed with her!!!

"Man, I got her number, Vic says it's a good idea-"

"Man, you're always siding with Vic now!!! It's like you're adopting yourself into Pierce the Veil!! You two are in separate bands, dude, you need to focus. Stop fucking each other and man up." Rian, who usually was happy and nonchalant about the whole Valex thing with A Love Like War, suddenly taking Jack's side in things.

"Guys, don't blame him, okay? It's my damn choice, and i'm sorry if you don't fucking approve, okay?" Alex argued, not wanting to cause a fight in the close knit group.

"We're not saying we don't approve, we think your little bum buddy's an adorable taco-munching guy, but don't have some stupid fantasy about some nameless singer, okay? Be rational." Zack, often being the one to sort out stupid arguments like this, was being the most rational, Alex had to admit. But he wanted that freaking girl on the next album whether it killed him or not!

"Jack, Rian, Zack, I know you three are being reasonable, but just trust me here. You WANT her to sing. I promise. Just, give me time to find her." Alex pleaded with his best friends. Zack smiled and held up a fist, and Alex smiled in turn and fist bumped his tattooed friend.

"Dude, if it makes you happy, go find her. I'm sure your right about her." Zack grinned. Rian smiled, and nodded. The pair turned to look at the sulking Jack, arms crossed.

"...fine. Go find your so called "amazing singer". See if I care." The skunk haired man hated being in a mood with his best friend( and one time partner). Alex sat down beside him and pulled him into a hug.

"Dude, I promise you, I'll be safe, okay?" Alex smiled at Jack, then whispered,"I'll repay you if I'm gone for long. Promise..." He kissed Jack on the cheek, then got up and grabbed his bag that he packed before talking to the guys.

"I'll see you...sometime, okay? I won't return empty handed" Alex grinned as the guys said their goodbyes, and Jack smiled sadly at him. He slammed the door behind him, and couldn't help smiling as he saw Vic standing outside the shared Baltimore house, leaning on his black convertible.

"I waited until you were out to call her. Still got the number?" Vic asked, giving his 'close' friend a lazy stare.

"Uh, duh. You ready?" Alex said, as he found the number in his contacts, saved under 'Singer Girl'.

"Hells yeah!!" Vic laughed. Alex smiled, and pressed call, putting it on speakerphone. It rung a few times, then picked up.

'Hey Alex, I presume Vic?'

'We called...can we meet you? I wanna discuss my offer-"

'Of appearing on your album? Sure. I'm in LA right now, is it alright if you meet me here?'

"All the way in fucking LA??" Vic mouthed. Alex shrugged.

"Umm...okay. I guess that would be okay. Where-"

'Meet me at Ozzy Osbourne's star on the Walk of Fame. If I'm not there, call me.'


"She's hung up on me!!" Alex practically yelled.

"Dude, it's fine. We follow her instructions, she might not be pulling us along. Plus, we get some...alone time..." Vic smirked up at the tall Brit, who was pulling his beanie over his eyes. He blushed red as a tomato when Vic said this, and Rian just happened to open the window and start singing the stripper theme.

"Ahh, piss off!!" Alex yelled up to the drummer, flipping him off.

"Whatever, Gaskarth. We'll see you later," Rian said, shutting the window.

"Hit the road, my little Taco?" Alex practically giggled, using Vic's pet name.

"Fuck you," Vic squeaked, getting in the car. Alex laughed and slung his bag in the back of the car, then literally jumped in the roofless car before Vic sped away, begining their search for this nameless singer.


"And you have never seen her. Never paid her? Seriously? No cheques? ....alright. Thank you sir." Toby sighed and hung up. The seventh bar she's played in, that he's called, and they still don't have her fucking name!!!

...he could always call her.

Without thinking, Toby punched in the numbers that were still on his arm and hit dial.

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring *click*

'Toby. Hi!'

'It's her...'

"Hi!! Look, I've been working on a new song, and I really want you to be a part of it!!"

'Fuck,' Toby thought,' You're screwing uuuup!!!'

'Of course!!! Meet me at Ozzy Osbourne's star on the Walk of Fame, we can go for coffee!'

"That sound's great! I'll see you then-"



"She fucking hung up.." Toby thought aloud. Slumping back in his office chair, he tried to work out in his mind how the fuck he was gonna work this out.

A nameless girl, who has an amazing voice, lures him in, and he accepts...

This could be the start of something big.

AN: Yay for new stories!!! So yes, I do ship Valex and Jalex, but who is this girl both Toby and Alex and Vic are pursuing? And what the hell is she playing at exactly!! I love all you little noodles!!! Stay too weird to live, too rare to die!~ *~.:TheLegendOfTheRose:.~*

Also, just because, the most Valexy song I could find. Enjoy~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2013 ⏰

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