Chapter two: Empathy and Trust

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I opened my eyes. Pavement surrounded my body. My purse was gone! And so were the two tsum tsums! "Mickey! Minnie," I called. "Are you guys there?" I sat up. I was back where I've started that day. But it was different this time. The bushes were covered in blood. I haven't seen that before. I stood up and creeped closer. I pulled the branches away. What I saw was horrible. Dead tsum tsums were left to decay. Some were still squirming. I reached out my hand and picked up the nearest one. It was baymax. He was still alive, but barely. I hugged him and began to cry. Just as I shed my first tear, He suddenly went into my chest and into my heart. At that moment a blinding glow erupted from the tsum tsums. After a few seconds, it stopped. One by one, the tsum tsum's eyes fluttered open. And just as baymax extracted from my chest, his eyes opened too. I beamed down at them with eyes full of tears. They looked up at me with eyes of repaying and trust. "Okay, guys," I said. "Let's go find Mickey and Minnie!"

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