job meeting part two

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"Now what shall I do with you?" he mumbled under his breath.

Bella gulped as she finally understood the gleam in Mr Sloan eye's combined with his mumbled words. Her nerves flared again, worrying she had gotten herself into more than she could handle.

Was this the right thing to do? Should she really be working here?

Shaking her head, she realized she had no choice. Unless going home to marry a man she didn't love seemed more platable.

It did not.

"what will I be doing" she stuttered, asking the question she should have ever since Mr Sloan offered her the job.

Mr Sloan rose from his seat, moved to seat on the edge of his desk just inches away from Bella. He unbuttoned his jacket, hooking his fingers in his belt loops as he stared intently at her. "stand up please."

Moving on shaky feet, Bella rose, her face becoming level with Mr Sloan. She noted the amount of grease he had smeared in his blonde locks as well as the angular lines of his face. While some would consider him attractive, Bella's instincts cautioned her to be fearful of this powerful man.

Mr Sloans eyes roamed over Bella's form, taking in the curves and dips ofher body as he had her spin in a small circle. She was a healthy, young woman, round and full in theright places, trim and lean in the others. He licked his thin lips in appreciation.

Bella held back the shudder coursing over her skin at his action, only her eyes giving her true emotions away. Mr Sloans focus was on her supple ass, missing the emotion.

"What will you do?" he asked in a gruff voice.

"What will I do?" Bella repeated, confused.

Mr Sloan raised his eyes, and pursed his lips. "Yes, do. All my girls must be able to entertain in some way or another. So what will you do?"

Bella furrowed her brow, still unsure of what he was getting at. Surely, he couldn't mean...?

But she had mean reassured that this club wasn't like those others, as she first thought. Perhaps she had been told wrong.

"Can you sing? Dance? Anything other than hand over cocktails and quiches?" Mr Sloan asked sharply, annoyance at her obtuseness clear in his tone.

Bella felt relief, and answered quickly before he lost all patience with her. "I've been told I'm a fair singer, though I've had no formal training."

"Let me hear it, then."

Bella paused briefly, circling her thoughts for a song she could sing on the spot. She wasn't all that confident in her voice, but knew it far exceeded her dancing skills. She settled on a song which was close to her heart.

Mr Sloan let the soft, bell like tones of her voice wash over him, his eyes drifting close as she singed. He knew she was going to be a star for him, her body alone would have brought the men in, but adding her song-bird skills chinched it for him.

As the final refrains of the song faded into the air, he opened his eyes, and smiled warmly at her.

"Very good, Isabella, I'm sure I'd count that as more than fair singing."

Bella's face flashed, hoping his praise meant he was going to hire her. "Thank you, Mr Sloan."

Mr Sloan reached for her, running his fingers along her arm to her wrist before squeezing her hand in a gentle shake.

"Welcome to The Champagne Club, Isabella Swan."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2011 ⏰

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