Sombra x Reader || Code

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"This, is, ridiculous."

You were currently in the Overwatch's headquaters hall, along with the whole team. At 4am.

You were a morning person, but at 4am?

You were as grumpy as Reaper on a sunny day. Plus the murderous look and the swearing.

Why were you even up this early, you might ask?

Well, Sombra, that filthy bitch, had the brillant idea to send a coded message to Overwatch. At 4 freaking am.
Couldn't she like wait till 2pm or something?
You could almost hear her laugh from here, mocking you.

That's also why the whole team had the chance to see you in your unicorn outfit, and you were sure as hell that they would never let that go.
You were definetely too tired to care though.

"Why, does, she, exist?"

Zenyatta sighed a bit, before answering;

"Why do we exist?"

"Stop making me question my existence at 4am for fuck's sake Zen."


You turned to face Widowmaker, giving her the most murderous look you could possibly make, before turning back to the message, trying to decode it, again.

Why were you the only one from these idiots to be capable of decoding it? If only one of them was capable of doing that, you would be sleeping now, but nooooo.

So you were there, alone in your misery, trying to decode something that probably doesn't even make sense-


Did that bitch seriously send you a coded message in spanish?

She, just, did.

You sighed from exasperation. This is going to take long.

"Reaper, get your lazy ass over here, your mothertongue is asking for you."

Reaper got up, and you could tell that he was as grumpy as you when he doesn't have his dearly needed sleep

He stared at the screen for a little bit, before answering;

"Sombra; the one who got the information, got the power."

"Wait, so let me get this straight;"
that bitch sent us a message, in spanish and coded at 4 fucking am, and when we finally manage to understand what the fuck it means, we discover that it's actually a freaking enigma? IS THAT BITCH SERIOUS?"



"Ok, ok, so is there anything else with the code, (y/n)?"

You glared at Lùcio, who just gave you an apologic smile.

"Well, the number 23 appears a lot of time."

"What does it means?"

"If I freaking knew what it meant, I would be sleeping now."

Mc Cree finally spoke.

"Aren't we, like 22 now?"

"No shit sherlock."

"No I mean, maybe she just want to join us? If she become a member, she will be the 23rd. Maybe that's the point of her sending us this?"

"If that bitch join us, I will make her life a living hell, and I'm sure Reaper over here would help me."

"Don't worry, I will."

"That bitch will pay."



"Or, maybe it could mean something else, like something that would happened in 23 days?"

"Like a date?"

"Yes Hanzo, like a date."

"You know how bad it sound out of context, right?"

A long silence followed, with almost all of the Overwatch's agents smirking.
Lùcio blushed and looked away as Hanzo just stood there, looking confused.

You smirked.

"I would ship it if I wasn't that tired."

"Can we talk about the message (y/n)?"

"What did you meant by 'ship'?"

You smirked again, maybe you already ship it a little bit. You would have to wait till tomorrow when you will be fully awake to be sure though.

"Should we answer the message?"

"I haven't even though of it, Symmetra."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"I'm too tired to figure it out."

You heared her mumbling something along the lines of 'peasents' and 'why I'm here again', and you smiled a bit at that.

Symmetra wasn't a morning person too apparently.

"There, happy? It's sent."

"What have you sent exactly?"

Morrinson stared at you, arm crossed, waiting for your response.

"'Thanks for the enigma at 4am, me and the team loved it.'"

"Apparently, she just answered."

You turned to the screen, wondering what she have sent this time.

'Oh, sorry then :P'



Sorreh for not uploading anything, I'm on vacation and my internet is sheit
Hope you liked this btw :D

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