chapter eleven

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So I'd never been on a plane before, nonetheless a private jet where snacks probably cost more than my monthly apartment lease, but Alec was paying.

He set his suitcase down and plopped himself on a chair, kicking off his shoes and ripping open a bag of kettle corn popcorners.

I sat down on the chair, but continued taking in my environment like I was a lost, starving puppy looking at a chewy bone.

"Is there a reason you look so tense?" Alec questioned me as he looked at the airline catering menu.

"I've never been on a plane before," I admitted quietly.

"Are you afraid?" He asked. "Because, you don't need to come on the plane with me, I would be -" He paused, obviously seeing my annoyed expression .

"I don't need to be here?" I questioned sarcastically. "Let's just remember what happened since you left; well first of all I became YouTube famous for being hated, and you can't forget our blackmailing hacker and maybe the gunmen hired to kill me or...."

"That's not what I meant, Dalia, you know that."

I didn't answer, but I pulled the menu out of his hand.

Smoked salmon display, Ahi tuna niçoise, filet mignon, gourmet cheese and crackers, strawberry cheesecake with fresh fruit coulis... where was I?

"How long is the flight?"

"About three hours or so."

"And what exactly are we going to do in the city?"

"Track his phone, he's not smart enough to shut it off. But, you should probably take a nap, this'll probably be a wild goose chase when we finally get there."

"I guess," I said.

I looked out the window and realized we were in the talking to Alec distracted me from liftoff.

I looked back at Alec and saw that he was already asleep, it was no use to sit here by myself for hours.


I woke up in a king sized bed, it was soft and covered in silk blankets and the room smelled like fresh cinnamon and spices.

I was rolled over on my left side, but as I reached out my hand I felt another body. In fear, I started pulling back on the blankets until I heard a deep masculine groan.

"What are you doing, Dalia?" Nolan groaned.

He pulled the blankets back so I could see his face, and his abs. He wasn't wearing a shirt.

I stared at him in awe.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asked. "I never guessed you were so good at beer pong know."

He grinned at me and rubbed his cocoa eyes.

"I'm good at what?"

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