Venatores - Hunter of the black souls

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A shriek rang through the village as a huge shadow extinguished the moonlight. A group of Draega, small and fast demons with razor sharp claws, sneaked into our house, you could taste their foul odor formal, as they rummaged through my room.

My parents were half weeks ago almost ate found in the woods, since then I lived with my brother Erganor alone and in that short time we had sold all the animals to get money with which we wanted to start a new life in Hrothgar, the capital of the Empire.

"Stand up Aravan! Take shadow and flee as quickly as possible. I'll try to give you a little time! " 

Erganor pushed me to the back door, took our family's sword and was about to advance towards the demons, as I held him on the wrist. 

"No Erganor! Please, brother, you do not have to fight them! Come with me! "I did not want to lose him yet. He paused a few seconds, he looked back to the Draega and then at me again.

"I'm sorry, but you'll die, too, if I won't holt them back. Flee, my brother and continue to live for both of us. 

"My brother shook off my hand, closed the door and stormed towards the black, small creatures.

I crept to our stables and shadow, our fastest stallion. He was very nervous and did not hold still, what did not make it easier for me to climb on his back.  

The horse whinnied, and broke through the barn doors, as I gave him the spur, and galloped along with riding in the direction of freedom.

At the same moment the Dokrones, the fathers of the gargoyles, flying,small, blood-thirsty demons that were visible in the sky by hundreds, sent their kids to kill the fleeing prey. Dozens of monsters swooped down to devour me.

Suddenly stumbling shadow and I fell on the cold earth. With my face full of bruises and dirt, torn pants and the taste of blood in my mouth I ran as fast as my feet permitted, and heard how shadow was fighting for his life and painful whinnied as the gargoyles began to eat his flesh.

"IGNIS COMBUXIT!" Behind me in a split second appeared on a vast sea of flames. I looked for the source and saw a warrior in silver armor, from his palms, the burning flood poured over the demons and burned everything that was in his way.

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