New Years

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I stepped out of the SUV and stood next to Liam as we waited for the rest of the rowdy boys to get out of the car so we could join the New Year's Eve party that awaited us inside. Niall hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut. He smiled widely.
"C'mon, time to get my party on." He said goofily as he did a silly dance, never breaking eye contact with me. I laughed at his silliness and leaned closer to Liam.
"We gotta keep an eye on him tonight." I mumbled to him. He laughed and patted me on the back.
"Thanks for volunteering." He laughed. I punched him playfully in the arm as we  started to walk. As we grew closer to the building I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I laughed and looked at Niall who was carrying me bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he looked into my eyes and winked.
"You look beautiful tonight." He whispered to me. I tried my best not to blush but I failed, so I smiled and looked down.
"Thank you." I spoke softly.
"Anytime." He grinned. Him and I were best friends but we had a very special bond. We didn't feel like just friends. He gently set me back down on the ground before we walked into the party. I looked at him seriously.
"Do not get too drunk." He shrugged his shoulders.
"I can't make any promises."
"Please just don't." I refused to beg but I didn't feel like dealing with a drunken Niall tonight. I didn't drink much but since I was with the boys and their girlfriends I will probably have a drink or two. I stayed with Niall as he dragged me around to different people. It took us about five minutes to get to the bar because of all the people he greeted on the way. He ordered us both a drink. We sat and drank them. When we finished our drinks he dragged me onto the dance floor. He pulled me close and made my hips sway to the beat.
"Can you be my New Years kiss?" I smiled, nodded my head and put my arms around his neck. We danced to a couple songs. I tried to manage his drinking but I lost him halfway through the night. I was slowly walking around the unfamiliar building trying to find him when I bumped into Liam and asked him if he had seen him but he hadn't. I continued my search and eventually found my self face to face with Harry.
"(Y/N)! What's up?" He asked loudly, trying to hear over the music.
"Have you seen Niall?" I asked. I noticed him look over me, his expression changed and then he looked back at me. I turned around to see Niall and some fake blonde hanging all over each other. I frowned and turned back to Harry.
"Found him." Harry spoke softly.
"This is why I didn't want him to drink. Now I've got to deal with this." I spoke. Harry, who had some alcohol in his system, put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry. But who needs him? Hey, you wanna dance?" He asked. I looked back at Niall, I saw he was looking at me, but then he went back to the girl he was with. I looked back at Harry and nodded my head.
"I would love to." I said sweetly. The song changed to a faster pace song. I turned us so I was facing Niall. I slinked my arms on Harry's neck, he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. We danced as I looked over his shoulder. Harry decided that he was tired of my front so he turned me around and we danced. I forgot about Niall and enjoyed my dance with Harry.
"You're a good dancer." He huskily spoke in my ear. My heart beat faster, and I was snapped to my senses. What was I doing? Why was I dancing like this with Harry? I didn't want to be rude and just stop dancing with him so I finished the rest of the song. He wanted me to stay but I quickly went to find Niall. He wasn't on the couch where I had last seen him. I pushed my way out of the dance floor to go find Niall. As I was looking for him I ran into Zayn and Louis who were getting drinks for their girlfriends.
"Hey (Y/N)!" They both virtually said in unison.
"Hey guys!" I smiled. "Have you seen Niall at all?" They frowned slightly.
"Nah I haven't." Zayn said quickly.
"I saw him with some girl, he was asking for you a while ago. But I can help you find him. Zayn tell El I'll be back soon okay?" Zayn nodded and proceeded back to his seat with their drinks.
"Thank you." I stated gratefully. He stopped walking and looked at me.
"You're welcome." He was sincere. He then continued to walk as he kept talking. "I see the way you two look at each other. You really like him, don't you?" He glanced at me. He looked down at my hand, before he could grab my hand, I grabbed onto his arm. I looked at him.
"Yeah, I really love him. He's my everything. But please don't tell him." He smirked and nodded his head.
"I won't." He glanced down at me.
"Thanks." I smiled. I looked ahead at a small area with some trashy looking girls, a couple guys and a drunken Niall who was watching two of the girls dance.
"I found him." I spoke with a straight face. Louis looked where I was looking and rolled his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'll get him." He started to walk faster, but I pulled him back. He looked at me.
"I got this, just stay here please." He nodded and I walked over to where Niall was sitting. I saw one of the girls gazing at him and another was giving me some dirty looks. I rolled my eyes and continued to Niall. He smiled at me and slurred something that I couldn't understand. I grabbed his hand that was already extended from when he had said something.
"Come on Niall." I said sternly. I didn't make any eye contact with anyone, just Niall. He reluctantly stood. I dragged him away from the group and walked him towards Louis.
"Are we leaving?" He said sounding not as drunk as when he was sitting. I gave him a look.
"I didn't get a kiss yet, we can't leave." He added. I smiled, making sure he couldn't see.
"We aren't leaving yet. It's almost time for your kiss." I said as I continued to drag him through the crowds of people. I felt him grab onto my waist and he was soon walking next to me. He leaned into my neck.
"Good." He spoke. I smelt alcohol on him but not as strong as when he's normally drunk.
"This is why I didn't want you drinking." I mumbled.
"I wasn't drinking too much. I just got dragged away from you, and had couple more drinks, that's all." He explained, he really didn't sound drunk, maybe he wasn't slurring his words when he spoke to me earlier after all, I don't know.
"Yeah ok." I rolled my eyes as we continued to follow Louis. We finally made it to the back room where the rest of the boys had gathered. We had all agreed to be together at midnight which was only around five minutes away. The room was small but large enough to fit our rowdy group. I looked around, El and Perrie were sitting with Sofia at a little table. Zayn and Liam were standing and talking, Harry was sitting with some girl who looked quite familiar. He watched as we slowly walked into the party room. The TV was on and had the New Year's Eve celebration on. The pounding of the bass of the music on the dance floor could be heard through the walls. Niall went with Louis and I went over to Perrie, Eleanor, and Sofia. I mingled with girls while we all awaited the count down to midnight. Our tiny room seemed to be getting more and more crowded as the time till midnight grew shorter and shorter.  It was actually, more people were moving to our room, why? I don't know. I quickly lost sight of Niall though. The girls stood and went to their boyfriends to countdown with them. I followed Eleanor over to Louis where I asked him where Niall was. A look of worry immediately struck his face, Niall had wandered off again. I looked at the time on the TV, it was 11:58. Just then the clock turned to eleven fifty nine and the countdown began every one started counting. I told Louis not to worry and then pushed through the crowd. 48, 47, 46.... I stood on my tippy toes to try and find my blonde headed best friend. 39, 38, 37, 36.... I thought I heard my name, I stood there. I stood on my tippy toes again to try and find him. 24, 23, 22, 21.... I heard my name again. I whipped my head around, I looked for a minute then pushed through the crowd trying to get to the other side of the room. 10, 9, 8... The room seemed so much bigger now. My heart beat rapidly out of control. 5, 4... I looked, he was couple people away. We made eye contact. 3, I pushed past people, 2, this was it, 1, he quickly grabbed me and pulled me into his body. He crashed his lips onto mine, our lips instantly moved together. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to him. I ran my fingers through his hair. I felt his heart beat, as his chest rose and fell at the same time as mine. This was the best moment ever, this was what I have been waiting for ever since I've met the lad. Our desperation to find each other before midnight had made our need for our lips to be on one another's stronger. I pulled away from the kiss reluctantly so we wouldn't gain to many stares. He placed his forehead on mine, he panted for breath. I could tell he wanted to speak but couldn't. We stood like that until he got his breath. He moved his hands up to the sides of my face.
"Be mine." He panted, still out of breath but now able to speak.
"Ok, never leave me again." I breathed out.
"Never again." He winked. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my small frame. I snaked my arms around his toned torso and laid my head on his chest. We swayed back and forth while people sang that song that everyone always sings after midnight. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I looked up at him with confusion.
"Where did you go anyway?" I questioned. He smirked.
"The bathroom." He laughed, making his chest vibrate. I laughed with him. The room eventually cleared out and the pounding of the bass on the dance floor returned as everyone started to party again. It was now just the boys of our group and the girls plus the one who Harry had met throughout the night.  I looked around, we were in the middle of the room, he was still holding me and it felt good, like it was supposed to be this way the whole time. I was looking around the room and noticed basically all of the boys were looking at us. The girls were kind of looking at us but they had gone back to talking. Harry gave us a look while raising his eyebrows. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I looked at Niall and we both smiled sheepishly. I dropped my arms from around his neck to my sides. He let go of me and straightened out his shirt. I blushed as he grabbed my hand and walked over to the boys. Their facial expressions were of shock, I think they've guessed that there might have been something between us, but we haven't done anything really. I mean, we just kissed tonight and we've always been flirty with each other and he has given me little kisses on the top of my head but other than that nothing has really happened.
"Happy new year!" I exclaimed to the group. They all smiled and each took turns giving me a hug. When Louis hugged me he whispered something to me.
"So are you two together?"
"I don't know." I whispered back. I really didn't, that kiss was like no other kiss I had ever had in my life. It had passion and I could just feel that he sincerely cared. When he desperately grabbed me a second before midnight I could tell this was where I was meant to be, we just fit together like a puzzle. I wanted to figure out if he liked me the same way I like him but I don't want things to be complicated. My eyebrows furrowed as I thought. We all had sat down by now but my mind was still rambling on and on about how much I love him. Yes, I said it I love him, I do and if there was something even more than love that's how I would feel. I sat in between Niall and Louis, the girls eventually joined us and we all just sat around and talked. Sometime before we got up to leave I leaned into Niall.
"We have to talk tomorrow." I said. He gave me a look but nodded. Soon it was time to go so we all stood and walked through the crowds of people dancing. Niall was in front of me, he looked back and grabbed my hand so we wouldn't be separated. I didn't worry because we have been seen holding hands before in public and the fans know that we're best friends. As we got closer to the door his grip on my hand tightened. He didn't want to lose me, and I didn't want to lose him. When we got outside there were a few paparazzi people trying to take pictures, so he pulled me close to him and intertwined our fingers. I looked down trying to hide my face with my hair like I always do. I leaned into him so I was closer to him. I stared at my feet until we were in the car because the people had followed all of us to the SUV, that one of the security guards that had pulled up to the front. When all of us were in the car we proceeded towards the exit of the neighborhood that the party was in. When we were out of the neighborhood we went towards where I live. In the car I sat next to Niall and Harry who was falling asleep on my shoulder. When we turned into my neighborhood Niall leaned into me.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" He whispered. I looked at the time and shrugged my shoulders.
"It's whatever you want, I'll probably fall asleep while putting my pjs on." I answered back with a laugh at the end.
"Can I stay over?" He asked. I gave him a look.
"Of course you can, you don't even have to ask." He smiled. When the security guard pulled into my driveway Niall opened the door and hopped out. I gently sat Harry up so he wouldn't fall when I got out of the car.
"Bye (y/n)!" They all said. I scooted out of the car and waved good bye to the group. Niall closed the door and waved to them. I walked up the walkway to my house. I unlocked the door and heard him come up behind me. I opened the door and walked in, turning on the lights. I threw my keys on the little table that I keep by the door and walked towards the stairs. He followed me upstairs but he went into the guest bedroom where he kept some extra clothes. I changed into my pajamas quickly and went and knocked on his door that was closed. It took him a minute to open it but when he did he was dressed in sweatpants and a fitted white shirt.
"Yes?" He asked.
"I was just gonna see if you wanted to watch a movie or something." I spoke softly. I looked away, he was to gorgeous and I was afraid I would say something stupid. He smiled.
"I would love to." He walked out of the room and down the stairs with me right behind him. "You can choose." He added as he went into the kitchen to surely make some popcorn. I went and grabbed pitch perfect and slid it into the DVD player. I went into the kitchen to make some tea.
"Hey." I said quietly when I walked in. He had his back to me, he was putting the popcorn in the microwave. I went to one of the cabinets and grabbed a tea cup.
"Do you want tea?" I asked before closing the cabinet.
"Yes please." I grabbed another cup and went to the sink. I put water in both then went to heat them up but he was using the microwave so I just stood next to him. My house was pretty cold and I was in shorts so I shivered. He looked at me and grabbed me. I put my hands up to my chest and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my small frame. I felt him kiss the top of my head. I closed my eyes and breathed in his sweet aroma, although it had a hint of alcohol in it, I still took it all in. This was perfect, I never wanted this to end. He was my home, my safety and I know he could never do anything to hurt me. I was snapped out of thought by the sound of the microwave beeping annoyingly telling us that the popcorn was done. He let go of me and turned to the microwave. I fell forward a little bit because I didn't want him to leave me. He opened the microwave and pulled the bag of popcorn out, he poured it into a bowl that he had already gotten out. I put one of the cups of water in the microwave to heat it up. He had gone out into the living room. When I finished heating up both cups of water I put tea bags in them and took them out into the living room. I set both of the mugs down on the side table and then sat down next to Niall. He had a blanket on him as he sat there staring at the tv while eating away at the bowl of popcorn. I pulled the blanket that he had on him over  me. I scooted as close to him as I could, and grabbed a handful of popcorn. I wrapped my arm with his and put my head on his shoulder. I started the movie and we soon finished the bowl of popcorn. He set it down on the coffee table. He moved to get more comfortable, making me move. He stretched his legs out on the couch and I fell into him. I curled up on him and slowly fell asleep as he played with my hair. I felt him push my bangs out of my face, it tickled and I moved on him. My head was on his chest, I listened to the soft thumping of his heart. It calmed me, I smiled slightly. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, he was already looking down.
"You don't mind do you?" I asked sleepily.
"No, of course not." He smiled. I smiled back and batted my eyelashes.
"Good night." I then returned to my slumber.
"Good night," he sweetly spoke. He shifted lower so he was laying down more. He pulled me closer to him and up so my face was closer to his. My face was in the crook of his neck. I breathed in his gorgeous scent, making me smile uncontrollably.
"I love you." He murmured, he was hoping I didn't hear, I could tell. My eyes immediately opened when he said that. I smiled even more when he said that. I don't know why though, he's said it before. But I guess this time it felt different. I found my self sitting up in a way. I gently kissed his smooth cheek, he looked at me. I sunk back down into him, still never breaking eye contact though. He pulled me up again, my hands went up to the sides of his face, he leaned in closer. I leaned in, desperately wanting him to kiss me. I glanced from his sparkling eyes to his soft lips. He did the same to me. My hands slid down to his neck. We were so close, inches away, inches. He sighed and looked away. I sucked in air and slid back down to rest my head on his chest. His grip on me loosened a bit. I sighed and closed my eyes. I tried to fall asleep but couldn't. I just laid there and listened to his heartbeat as his chest rose and fell. I felt his hand run through my hair but still pretended to sleep. As he ran his hand through my hair I found myself falling asleep. He was calming me and I soon fell asleep.

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