7. Doing the Job

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It was maybe two in the morning: that's what the clock read the last time I checked anyway. Tonight especially I found it impossible to sleep, for some damn reason I felt more aggravated than most. So, at a ridiculous time in the morning I found myself back in the gym room throwing punches at a lifeless bag.

The second I heard shuffling and mumbles, I hugged the bag; stopping it from swinging as I listened out. 

"Alright, I'll see you soon." Spoke out a low raspy voice as the sound of the front door creaked open.

"Promise you'll ring me?" Returned the higher pitched squawk.

"You know I'm busy, Jess." Whispered back the male voice.

"Derren..." Whined back that drone of a voice.

Rolling my eyes at the stupidity of both, I began my attention back at the bag not even bothering to listen to the rest of the conversation.

Finding the strength and willpower to beat the crap out of the bag from somewhere, I found myself throwing kicks and punches. 

"Someone's up early." Hummed the voice which seemed to echo throughout the silence in the rest of the house.

Not taking my concentration of the bag for one second I threw a side punch to it before another to the other side.

"Couldn't sleep huh?" He snorted, if I could see his face right now I would guarantee he'd be smirking.

"I guess you got a lot of steam to let loose, you know... there are other ways to relieve stress..." He implied with another stupid snicker.

"What is it you want Jack?" I finally responded, holding the bag to keep it from swinging. "Hm? What the fuck do you want?" I shouted, clearing the smirk right off his face as my yell rang throughout the room.

"I-I...” He returned in an almost apologetic manner, rubbing down the back of his neck.

"Well then leave me the fuck alone. Stop with your stupid little comments and your annoying persona. Quite frankly, you really piss me off." And with those harsh words: I stormed my way out of the gym room to the hallway, grabbing a jacket and keys just before slamming the front door shut.

I shoved in the keys to the ignition slot, howling the car to life and speeding off on out down the road. Where someone goes at two O'clock in the morning, I don't know but I knew I needed to get away from that presence. 


Would someone like to tell me what just happened? It was just a joke, right? She's never reacted in this way before, usually she'd return my comments with another smart ass one, I guess this time she just... snapped. Does she really find me annoying? I don't mean to be but how do you even expect me to act around her?

Trying to let it pass over I returned myself upstairs, trying to follow her would have been a bad idea, I didn't really want to die today.

For the best part of the morning, I tried to fall back asleep, it's been a few hours now. I don't know how long but dawn was fast approaching as the light creeps in through the thin fabric of my curtains.

Unsatisfied with the night sleep I had, I got up, relentless anyway, no point laying in your own silence when you don't want to listen to the voices. The ones that were always there, screaming and shouting about every little mistake you made.

I found myself stumbling downstairs and into the kitchen to glance at the clock that read nine o'clock.

Not long after I made my way into the kitchen, Doug followed close behind, yawning and scratching the back of his neck like he was actually some dog.

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