Chapter 2

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I didnt care if Liam thought he suited me the best I needed him to know I did suit him the best. I pulled the magazine out of the trashcan and opened it to the article about Liam. "I like girls with blue eyes" Is what he said in the magazine. Great. I have blue eyes. I kept reading "I like the shy girls" ...I can be pretty shy until you get to know me, I thought. Easy enough, i'll just do a makeup look to make my eyes pop, and try and be shy for certain things.


There was a knock at the door, and in came One Direction. "Ready to get made-up!" Niall shouted

I laughed "Take a seat" pointing to the stool in front of the vanity. Niall came over and slid onto the red stool, while the rest of the boys sat on the couch playing pokemon on their DS's. I tousled his bleach blonde shaggy hair, with some mouse. Before adding concealer to small areas of his face. Next came Harry. I shook his hair out, which was still damp. Then adding some coverup to his forehead. After that came Louis. I combed out his hair, then added some no sheer moisturizer. Then i blow dried Zayn's hair into a perfect mow hawk. Once it was Liam's turn all the boys decided to leave to give us "privacy" although I was just doing his hair. "So" Liam sighed taking a seat on the stool in front of the vanity. 

"So" i mimicked back taking some hair gel and working it into his perfect, perfect curls. For a moment neither of us said anything, but it wasn't awkward. Well at least for me it wasn't, but it may have been for Liam considering I was practically massaging his head. "so about tonight" Liam sighed "I don't think we can go skating" For a second I didn't comprehend what he just told me. "You see, Simon told us we need to start rehearsing our new song for next weeks performance" He said looking a bit sad. I took my hands out of his hair, and whipped them with a towel "thats okay" I lied. I was pretty upset that we couldn't go skating tonight. I was really looking forward to getting to know the real Liam. "But if you aren't busy tomorrow I would love to take you skating then?" Liam said with a glint of hope in his eyes. A smile grew upon my face "Sure" 

"Great" Liam said standing up "Well i'll meet you here at say, 7?"

"Yeah" I said 

Liam nodded, with huge grin on his face, before heading towards the door. 

"Wait" i said as I grabbed a fluffy brush, and powder from the vanity "You need to look perfect" I said as I swiped the brush along his forehead and cheeks. 

"I need to look perfect?" He questioned making a weird face as the brush slid across his face. 

"Yes" I said laughing "You need to look perfect"

"Perfect like you?" Liam said looking straight into my eyes. 

I looked away blushing "Well your all set, good luck tonight" 

Liam started to walk out the door, "thanks" He said, and he was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2011 ⏰

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