Hogwarts House AU

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Hey everyone, lately I've been rereading the Harry Potter series, which if you haven't read yet:

1. Climb out from under the rock you live under.


Anyway, rereading the series got me thinking some very important life changing questions. For example, WHAT HOGWARTS HOUSES WOULD THE RAMPION CREW BE IN?

I know, right. Look at me with all these deep questions. I might as well be asking why the universe was created.

So without further ado, here are the houses I think each of the characters would be in, and some headcannons I have about their life at Hogwarts.

P.S. I'm a Hufflepuff. What house are you in?

1. Carswell Thorne

House : Gryffindor

Thorne is a beater on the Gryffindor quidditch team, and often brags about it to anyone who will listen, especially Cinder. He always makes sure to hit the bludger in her direction just before she's about to catch the snitch to annoy her, since she's seeker for Ravenclaw.

He also runs a black market where he secretly sells Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products, since Filch banned them. He can often be found in detention for setting off things such as dungbombs or Filibuster Fireworks in the corridors.

2. Cress Darnel

House: Gryffindor

Cress has a huge crush on Thorne from the moment she sees him, but she's always too afraid to talk to him let alone ask him out. Finally, in their fourth year, after many pep talks from her best friends (Cinder, Scarlet, Winter & Iko) she decides she's going to do it. She's finally going to ask Thorne out. But before she can approach him she notices he's holding hands with another girl, and when she asks the person next to her who the girl is, she finds out it's Kate Fallow - Thorne's new girlfriend.

Thorne and Kate don't last long; they break up a month later. But Cress is still traumatized from the experience and refuses to attempt approaching Thorne again. She decides to give up on her hopeless crush on Thorne in hopes that she won't get her heart broken again.

However, giving up her crush makes her more comfortable around Thorne. For once, she can actually function properly when he's with her, though it still takes a bit of an effort. That's why in their sixth year, Thorne realizes how awesome she really is and starts to take an interest in her. They become good friends and talk more than ever.

Cress starts to like Thorne again, and once again she decides to attempt asking him out. But this time, she has a good feeling about it. She's gotten older now, and she's more confident, and braver. After she asks him, Thorne has a disappointed look on his face, and she knows the answer won't be the one she wants. However, though she's sad, she's still proud of herself for being brave enough to do what she was so scared to do for so long. This time, even when he tells her no, she won't walk away in tears - but instead with her head held high.

But Cress doesn't get the answer she expects. "Aces, Cress, did you have to ask me today? I was gonna ask you out tomorrow! I had the whole thing planned out, with a speech, and balloons, even Filibuster Fireworks!" Thorne says, and they both laugh, grinning, Cress with a mixture of shock and relief on her face.

3. Iko

House: Hufflepuff

Iko is in the same house as Kai, and has a huge crush on him so she overnight sneaks into the boys dormitories to watch him sleep. She often spies on him around the castle and has his timetable memorized, and always waits for him to get back to the common room before going to sleep.

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