Words of the Blade & Blood Hero

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First off thanks to anyone and everyone taking the time to read this. These are what I believe to be the only two poems I was not forced to write for a school project. I've never really been into poetry but one day I was inspired just to sit down and write these, so I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to leave a comment telling me what you thought, I'd love the feedback.

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                                                                     Words of the Blade

I'm the weapon but I'm not guilty

Or at least not to blame

I'll admit I drew the blood

But not by choice

Well at least not my choice, that is

Funny the need to defend myself

It's not as if someone will blame me

And if they did, what would they do to me?

Lock me up?

I'd consider it a blessing

For no one knows the secrets a knife carries with it

What we hear when shoved in a pocket

A purse or bag

The things we see

The evil, sadness, and pain

The stench of fear that never leaves you

The blood that never washes away

For to be a knife is truly a curse

But what we do is still somehow worse

                                                                               Blood Hero 

A large gun is placed in his hand

It weighs down his already heavy heart

He is young, boyish features still make up his face

But he has already been told he is a man of war

He recalls the stories that he's heard over the years

Not murder, he reminds himself

He'll be a hero not a murderer

He clings to these thoughts

These very simply thoughts

For they are what keeps his mind clear...

...What keeps his hand steady

As he fires his first shot.

Words of the Blade & Blood HeroWhere stories live. Discover now