The Color Diary

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Message from the author

This is a very short story that I created since I didn't want to do an imagine and was too unmotivated to do an entire fanfic, however I really enjoyed this idea and wanted to do something with it. Each "entry" is paired with an instrumental song because I feel as if that really puts you in the scene as if you are watching a movie, it just ties it all together in my opinion. If music distracts you, feel free to read it without and I hope you enjoy reading this complex and funny relationship as much as I enjoyed creating it.

PS. The main girl's name is McKinley pronounced (mi-kin-lee). I love love love that name but I can see how it could possibly be confusing to pronounce in your head as you read.

October 14th, 2015

I swung my legs onto the tar streets, my muddy combat boots sitting like weights on the ground. A few orange leaves scattered out of the way as I made the journey to the front doors of my school, waving to a few people who I didn't really care to see. I could feel the cool wind through the holes in my knit sweater, it smelled like crisp leaves and the salty ocean. "McKinley!" My best friend Beckett left his group of freshman he was trying to recruit to the lacrosse team and came over to me, he was wearing an orange shirt with khaki shorts. He had black hair, the color of the night sky when it got super late, that swept across his face in messy waves. His bright blue eyes contrasted with his pale skin that had a tight jaw line, his pink lips in a content smirk. "I'm surprised to see you're still alive" I laughed tuning out the principal's voice blasting over the speakers of the school. There was this huge party last night at one of the lacrosse boy's houses, the type of party cops would shut down in an instant, and Beckett snuck out to it since his parents are like ultra strict. They babied him to death since he was an only child and always kept a super close watch on him. One day it was literally dumping rain outside and they wouldn't let him drive me home (I lived about 6 houses down) since he hadn't of had his license for 6 months yet. Anyways, they ended up catching him when he was sneaking back in and he got grounded for a month. "I know, I felt like I was a meth addict and they were having an intervention with me. I climbed through the window right, and they were both sitting on my bed, scariest thing" he was walking backwards, kids rolling their eyes as he accidentally hit their backpacks. "If I was there I totally could've gotten them to not ground you, they love me" "thats because you suck up to them, I was defending myself that's why they grounded me for so freakin long. Hey can I come use up your wifi at your house after school?" Beckett held the door open for me as we made our way into English class. The halls of our school were made of tile floors and lockers decked out in our black and orange school colors, plus a few bland white walls and some out dated low popcorn ceilings. It was our Junior year and we somehow ended up having four out of our six classes together. "Of course, good job for standing up to them though i'm proud of you" I gave him a pat on the shoulder as he sat down at the left side of the classroom and I made my way to my seat on the opposite side. Beckett and I have been friends since we were literally 5 years old, recently i've started to look at him a little differently. You know how people say a boy and a girl can't be just friends? I used to laugh at that until a few months ago. People always said we should date but we would just laugh at them and brush it off. He used to be dating this girl named Katy but I think they broke up, they're super on and off. I've started to actually like him, like him. Is that wrong? I'm not sure. Theres something about him I just find so captivating. I kind of want to tell him because its really starting to eat away at me. I literally had to pretend to be sick for a week to avoid seeing him and then he started getting concerned which only made me like him more. Tonight i'm just gonna do it. I'll understand if he doesn't feel the same way. I glanced over at Beckett in his orange shirt as he scribbled down some notes in his orange notebook, he just looked so calm and honestly, well, beautiful. I'll tell him Tonight, i'll do it... I will I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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