Chapter 43

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The next day, the Seven Tribes met together, and Neiko, Sito, Tito, Mactalon, and Panthero offered testimony on their Egyptian adventure as well as their complaints against Francesco.

"That's all, Xartna," Neiko replied after an hour and a half to wrap it all up in a nice little package.

Xartna pursed his lips and rubbed his chin as he tried to process the information. "Francesco is more devious and vengeful than anyone ever thought possible. As you can see, we have a strong case against Francesco, and now he has crimes against Raven and Bloodhawk as well. He nearly destroyed the lives of five of the best warriors in Hawote's history, and history itself because of spite. His hatred sent Neiko into the arms of Ramesses II, and nearly cost the lives of these other four and that of Queen Nefertari. We are thankful for her bravery that set them free and spared their lives. Now I present to you, Francesco, the cause of this outrage. Do you believe he should be sent to jail without trial for his crimes—past and present?"

"Yeah! Throw him in jail with his mom and dad, the rats, and throw away the key," Pike said.

All of the Indians decided to send him to jail, and it was done without much adieu. Neiko kept the crystal and a log of her adventures in Egypt along with her clothes, the necklace from Nefertari, and the ring from Ramesses as a reminder.

Everyone then went home and enjoyed the victory in one of the greatest battles over the Crackedskulls, and the defeat of the most dangerous Crackedskull ever known. The five home comers had a celebration held in their honor, and the four lost Indians enjoyed the life they had missed for eleven years and the freedom they had long waited for.

Weeks of peace followed.

The End

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