2) Just Shoot Me Now, Please

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*Author's note: By the way I'm not going to be cussing in this story so just understand I'm substituting those words for something else. You might be able to tell what I'm trying to say hahaha :-) And also, there's probably going to be some periods of time between my updates because of school. Just saying. Sooooo enjoy and comment and vote! ;3 <- buttface                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When I asked for my room, the woman at the front desk just looked at me rudely and held one finger up, then went back to whoever she was talking to on the phone. "AHEM!!!" I cried (I said the actual word instead of doing it).  She, once again, glared at me then swivled her chair around so her back was to me. She looked pretty young, around 24 or 25 and she was dressed in this tight outfit that was displeasing to my eyes. And on top of that she wore too much makeup and had dyed blonde hair. 

I looked around thinking, "Did this bimbo just dismiss me?!?!" And so I knocked very loudly on her desk and said, "Excuse me!...." I looked at her nametag, "Monica! Can you please just tell me my room number so I can get the heck up outta here?!?!" Monica glared at me and said into the phone, "Hold on, Diana, I got some cow near my desk asking something about a room. I'm seriously about to fight her, hold on."

"Girl, you can't even fight me if you tried." I could smell that she was not a werewolf, so I just controlled my temper and left it alone. She gave me my room number and I walked away. When I walked away, I heard her mutter, "Beach". I let her have that and just kept on walking. I had to get back to my parents a besides, I'll deal with her later. I left thinking, "Dang, this is just like highschool."

When I waltzed/skipped back towards the parking lot, I bumped into someone and we both fell. I noticed that the victim to my clumsiness was a chick. We both giggled and helped each other up. She had soft brown eyes which held laughter and mirth. Her skin was a mixed sort of color so it was really light with a tinge of brown. Her dark hair was in a pixie cut, and it had natural looking highlights. She held out her hand and said, "Hi! I'm Kassandra, but you can call me Kandy! I'm just moved here from Texas! What's your name?" 

Her voice was super cheery and it also had a Southern sort of thing going on there. I replied, "I'm Dawn Cimpson. I just moved here from Montana." She squealed while jumping up and down, exclaiming, "We can be best friends because we just moved here around the same time! *gasp* wecanhelpeachotheroutandsharethesamedormandpainteachothersnailsandgraduatetogetherandgotopartiesandthinkbakonthistuffwhenweareolderand--"  

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Calm the heck down! You're scaring me!" I interrupted. "I don't know if all that'll happen because we just met about 5 minutes ago". "Oh believe me," she declared. "It'll happen for sure. What's your room number?" "Uhh It's....116" "OMIGOD THAT"S MY ROOM TOO!!!!!" she screamed.  "This is gonna be so much fun!" she cried. I looked at her strange and just said, "Well, I gotta go back to my parents. See ya!". "YAY! Since we're roomies now, I'll come with you to meet your parents!" she exclaimed. 

I just turned around and started walking towards my parents' car because I already knew there was no arguing with her. She skipped happily after me while I just walked calmly. Once I got back to my parents, Kandy jumped on them and cried, "ITS SO GREAT TO MEET MY ROOMIE'S PARENTS!!!!" They grinned at her and Dad asked, "You're Dawn's roommate? I hope you keep her out of trouble while she's here."

Kandy did the soldier salute thing and shouted, "SIR, YESSIR!". I stood to the side, observing the school while my parents and Kandy talked about who knows what. They finally stopped talking and Kandy and I headed to our room with our bags in hand. 

When we got to the room, Kandy immediately started pulling out dresses and makeup, then she went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. The room was really nice i must say. It looked kind of like a loft or something, but it was pretty cool.

She came over to me and examined my face for a good 5 minutes. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Examining your face for makeup purposes." she said as she walked away. "Why?" I asked. She turned around and squealed, "Tonight. We. Are. Going. To. Our. First. COLLEGE PARTY!!!" I blanched as she went to the bathroom and locked the door. 

SWEET BABY JEBUS! A flippin party? I can't.....Ugh, I hate my life sometimes. I really do.


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