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"Right not I can't see straight

Intoxicated it's true when I'm with you

I'm buzzing and I feel laced

I'm coming from a different phase when I'm with you..."

dRuNk by Zayn


"Zayn, please."

"You know I can't say no to either of you, Caro."

"Perfect. So Brooklyn can stay at yours for the weekend?"

"Of course."

That's how Zayn had ended up with his adorable goddaughter on his hip for a few days. Caroline had dropped her off at Zayn's with instructions for the weekend on the way to catch her flight. She spent that Friday at his loft and, for the first time in while, he and Perrie didn't end the night in an argument. Instead, Brooklyn fell asleep tucked into Zayn's side and Zayn was thankful for the quiet night.

Saturday morning, Zayn awoke to find the little one bouncing on his stomach. He groaned. "What're you doing, beb?"

"You gotta get up Zee Zee?"

"Why Brookey?"

"Coz I gotta go to dance cwass," she whined, moving from his stomach to sit on his chest. She pressed her small, dimpled hands to his cheeks and pushed them together. "Pwease Zee Zee." Zayn couldn't say no to his goddaughter. She'd had him wrapped around her finger from birth. So he ran her a bath and helped her put on her pink tights, black leotard, and ballet slippers. When it came to her hair, though, he had no idea what to do. Caroline had packed baby hair products in Brooklyn's weekend bag, but he had no idea what to do with them. He had learned how to braid his younger sister Safaa's hair but that was all, and Brooklyn's hair was nothing like her; it was short and curly whereas Safaa's was longer and straight. So he tried his best, using some jelly like substance to pull her back into a fluffy ponytail. Little clumps of curls still stuck out of her pony tail but, no matter how much he tried, Zayn couldn't achieve the same slicked back look her mother did. So, after the fifth try, he gave up, leaving her hair as it was. It was the best he could do and if they didn't leave now, she'd be late for her class.

When they entered the dance studio, Zayn put Brooklyn down and she scampered off to hang out with her friends, who were clustered around a studio door, waiting for their class to start. Curious, Zayn watched through the big glass window. The class was occupied by other students, although their time seemed to be coming to an end. A brown skinned woman dressed in maroon joggers and a black crop top and black Air Max's. He couldn't tell much else about her, she had a massive mane of curls obscuring her features. She led the class of middle school aged students through choreographed hip hop moves in time with "Mo Money, Mo Problems" by Biggie. Zayn found himself bobbing his head along to the track and singing the lyrics under his breath. She congratulated the kids when they completed the routine and, after a quick cool down, released them from class. While the younger kids rushed into the room, she sat in front of the bar and laced up her brown ballerina shoes, the ones with the square toes that Zayn couldn't remember the proper name for. When she finished tying back her hair into a poofy pun, she beganr the class.

From his seat in the waiting room with the other parents, he watched as she led them through warm ups at the smaller bar. He couldn't help but smile as he saw Brooklyn dancing with the other kids. They were honestly the cutest things. And their teacher was cute with them, helping them through their jumps and steps and reminding them to point their toes. At the end of the hour long class, the he and the other parents were invited into the room to watch their kids' finished routines. It was cuteness overload for him and he couldn't help but to record a video of Brooklyn dancing. He sent it to Caroline immediately, knowing the video would make her smile.

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