Chapter 1: Day 1 - The New Kid

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DISCLAIMER: No Marvel characters belong to me. Only my OC Anna.

This was originally gonna be the whole day, but upon asking my friendo TheMistOfThePast, I changed it into two lessons. The rest of what I have written so far will be up soon. So, until then, enjoy! Also, the point of view is first person and will change in the future.

Marvel High School

Chapter 1: Day 1 – The New Kid

"School sucks" I complained loudly. My friend Jack nodded in agreement.

"But did ya hear about the new transfer student starting today?" asked Jack, or Weasel as I called him, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Hmm. Who do you think? Boy or girl?"

Weasel considered the question, "Chick" he answered finally.

I closed my locker with my books resting in my arms and turned to my best friend with a sly smile. "Alright. Cheerleader or nerd?"

"Are those my only options?"

I grinned "Yeah"

Weasel narrowed his eyes, "Damn. Okay, cheerleader?"

The bell rang for home room. My grin got wider, "Let's go shall we?"

Home Room

"Alright, sit down and shut up!" yelled the teacher Mr Nicholas Fury. Slowly, the twenty classmates sat in their seats.

"Now I'm gonna take the roll call" said Mr Fury, looking at a list of names.

"Clint Barton?"

"Here" answered a teenager in pink and purple. "The archer guy" I thought.

"Carol Danvers?"

"Present" answered a girl with blonde hair and office clothes. "Goody-two-shoes"

"Ann Marie Darkholme?"

"Here" answered a girl dressed in black and dark green. "The goth girl"

"Victor Von Doom?"

"Here. Unfortunately" answered a boy in a green shirt and grey jeans. "Nerd but he lets me blow up stuff"

"Emma Frost?"

"Here" answered a girl in white clothes and blonde hair. "Cheerleader. The kind that sleeps with every guy except me and my friends"

"Jean Grey?"

"Yes" answered a girl with red hair and a red dress. "Another cheerleader. She just sleeps with a few guys not everyone"

"Jack Hammer?"

"Here" answered Weasel wearing baggy jeans and a long sleeve shirt. "Best. Friend. Ever"

"Alex Hayden?"

"Yes sir!" answered a teenager in jeans, a grey shirt and brown jacket. He gave a salute too. "A friend. Sorta. He got antsy after I slept with his girlfriend. Don't judge me, she's hot!"

"James Howlett?"

"Here" mumbled a boy wearing jeans and a white sleeveless shirt. "One of my bestest friends. I'm not sure if he thinks of it that way though"

"Tony Masters?"

"Here" answered a teenager in jeans and a black shirt. "Another sorta friend. He can juggle too!"

"Matt Murdock?"

"Present" mumbled a blind teenager in jeans and a red long sleeve shirt. "Even though he's blind, she got a damn good punch. And a very dangerous seeing-walking stick thing"

"Reed Richards?"

"Here" replied a teenager in jeans and a long sleeve blue shirt. "Major nerd. And a lot of people are wearing jeans today, aren't they?"

"Steve Rogers?"

"Present" replied a teenager in blue jeans and a red long sleeve shirt. "Another goody-two-shoes"

"Natasha Romanova?"

"Here" answered a teenager with a Russian accent in a red tank top and a red skirt. "Scary when angry, hot anytime else"

"Tony Stark?"

"Here" answered a teenager in jeans and a red and yellow long sleeve shirt. "Another nerd. With heart problems and a glowy thing too"

"Susan Storm?"

"Here" replied a teenager wearing a black skirt and a white shirt. "A girl nerd with the hots for Richards. Still hot though"

"Scott Summers?"

"Present" replied a teenager wearing jeans and a grey long sleeve shirt. "Grey's annoying goody-two-shoes boyfriend"

"Inez Temple?"

"Here" replied a teenager in a Southern accent wearing a short brown tank top and a short brown skirt. "Hayden's girlfriend. She's nice, among other things. She's really scary when angry and she tends to break stuff too"

"Kurt Wagner?"

"Here" answered a teenager in a German accent wearing a long sleeve red and purple shirt and baggy jeans. "He's okay. I don't talk to him much"

Mr Fury sighed "Wade Wilson?"

I grinned, "Yes sir! Wade Wilson reporting for duty, sir!". "I am so damn awesome"

Mr Fury rolled his eyes, "Now that everyone's here. I have an announcement to make".

I grinned.

"We have a new student starting today" said Mr Fury moving some of the papers on his desk. The door to the classroom opened. Everyone turned their head, including me. A girl stepped into the room. She had waist long brown hair, brown eyes and wore a midnight blue and black dress that had little silver beads sewn on, had no straps and had separate sleeves that started from below the shoulder and finished at her wrists. She wore black stockings, black boots and held books in her arms.

She definitely looked different from the other girls. She was introduced as Anna Howlett and took the empty seat between me and my bestie James. Jamie also gets called Logan and Wolverine but I prefer Jimbo.

The bell rang for the first lesson. For me and Weas, that means English. Super boring. But great for spreading vicious and horrible rumours. The best kind of course! Did you know that Tony or Taskmaster as he is called (I call him Taskie Waskie) is going out with Sandi from the year below? No? Well dear readers, you didn't hear it from me!

Lesson One: English

Turns out the new kid is also in my English class. Time to put my rumour passing skills to work!

I bent over and tapped Newbie on the shoulder. She turned around and blinked. "Have you heard that Taskmaster is going out with Sandi?" I whispered loudly. Well, loud enough for Taskie to whack his head on the desk in front of him. And for everyone else to laugh.

"Alright Mr Wilson. That is enough" scolded Miss Jennifer Walters. She then resumed talking about some useless book. The new girl looked around then continued writing in her book. I spent the rest of the lesson passing notes to Weas, spreading rumours through the new kid and drawing stuff on my desk. I even got a few smiles from the new girl. I think her name is Anna, Annie? I dunno. I wonder how many classes I have with her? I have all of my classes with Weasel. The bell rang for the next lesson.

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