Day 1

11 1 1

Now, this was possibly the worse day of my life. October was a bad month.

First I, Calum Hood, had to move house to a poor neighborhood. Also, I had no food.

Terrible. I can't go without food. It is truly amazing!

I grabbed my coat saying bye to my mother, running out the house hitting something or should I say someone at the end of my drive.

"Watch where you're going. Don't act dead, hello?" I spoke rolling my eyes as she looked at me with no emotion what so ever.

She ran inside crying, what's her deal?

A blue hair freak glared at me, "Can I help you?"

"She just found out she has Leukemia and is dying. Well drone." He shoved me, following her inside. I mean, how could I possibly had known that?

I felt bad for the poor girl. I felt so much pity and sorrow.

No one should ever go through that.

I shook my head as I headed to the store about three blocks away. The store was old but seemed welcoming.

I looked around and bought a few snacks including a energy drink too.

My eyes glanced around as I seen some beautiful roses which were pink and white. I should definitely apologize for what had happened ten minutes a go.

She surely should accept my apology right? Right.

I mean, it wasn't like I was purposely being mean. It was an accident.


Violet POV

It was early in October
when I felt something was wrong.
I had bruises, I was cranky,
And I couldn't play for long.

My body was so hot inside
I might have fried an egg.
My mom and dad were worried,
'Cause I hurt all down my leg.

They brought me to the doctor.
They brought me to a lab.
They brought me to the hospital.
Where I was very sad.

Before too long, the doctors
Found the bullies in my bones.
They were big and bold and bossy,
Called my bones and blood their home.

They squeezed away the good cells,
And munched up all their food.
Like most bullies they weren't very smart,
Though they were surely rude.

You may think I was naughty.
I thought I must be bad.
To let these bullies make me sick,
I didn't understand.

The doctor said don't worry.
The nurse said I'm quite brave.
They told me it just happens,
Not because I don't behave.

The doctor named these bullies.
Called them all leukemia.
Said that their outlandish features,
Fit some clear criteria.

Why must I be the one to suffer this? It is wrong.
I never did no bad. I didn't deserve this. Should I just give up?

Should I go through all this pain? I don't think so.

Michael, the blue hair boy is my best friend. I love him so much. Why is he so perfect?

Michael wished he could take this away.

The pity he is giving me is driving me insane, I'm the girl dying. Cheer me up not depress me.

Of course, I'm thankful family care but can't people see reminding me makes me more emotional?

I wished I could turn back time, to the good old days.

I say old, I'm only 17. But I wished I could be 10 again with no cancer or worries.

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