New Flatmates?

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Dan's POV:

Beep beep. I look up at my IPhone to see a text message from a close friend.

Dan's Phone:

??: Hey, you and Phil have two spare rooms right?

Me:.... Maybe 🐪

??: Dude, do me a favour,

Me: What is it?

??: Let two people I know move in for a bit.

Me: How long is your for a bit?

??: Until they find a place to stay. Help a friend dude. 🙏🏼

Me: Ok let me discuss it with Phillip.

??: You might get a girl here Daniel 😉

"Phil!" I shout. He comes into the living room from his bedroom, and answers "What Dan, I was making a video!" I look at him and say "How do you feel about new flatmates?"

(B/F/N) POV/ Phone:

??: How do you feel about moving to London?

Authors Note:
And done! I love the picture of Dan and Phil too xD


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