My book, based on my life called "Stairways"

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This page right here is just a page me saying what exactly I'm doing here since I've been posting lyrics for awhile. I wanted to try something new and write a whole book called "Stairways." Stairways for me means finding myself at each step in my life. No matter what I go through, keep walking forward. This book will be based on my life. I will keep my name in the book, but I am going to change the names for security reasons of others. This book will have some song lyrics from the very first song I ever wrote and me during the process of making my EP I am working on called "The Coffee House Sessions." I'm really looking forward to how this story is going to go. I hope you guys like this book. If you do maybe it could inspire you and motivate you. You can do anything you want to life. It just takes hard work and dedication. This right here is the intro and chapter 1 will be next.

My book, based on my life called "Stairways"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora