Chapter 14

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Feliciano wasn't sure what had awoken him at such an ungodly hour. Whether it was the soft light shining through the open doorway of Elizaveta's office; the dull throb that burnt in his left side or the scratching of a pen that he could hear somewhere close by. Whatever the case, the Italian was wide awake in the soft narrow bed, he felt strangely warm from head to toe and he looked down to find that his body had been completely covered in several thick blankets that were tucked firmly into the bed. The office was darkened by the shadows being cast by the furniture, from the little desk lamp on Elizaveta's desk and from the open doorway where the lights in the corridor were shining starkingly bright.

The Italian attempted to lift an arm to rub at his eyes but his actions were immediately hindered, not only from the too-tight blankets but the absolute exhaustion of his body. Feliciano managed to shift slightly to the right and turn his head; he was slightly startled to see an empty blood bag stood beside him with a tube attached that disappeared under his blankets. Elizaveta was sat behind her desk at the other side of the office, looking a lot less sparky than Feliciano was used to seeing her. She was leant over her desk writing by the small light, her long hair pushed back with the hand that wasn't busy writing, every so often she'd yawn and rub her eyes, clearly drained of energy like the Italian.

Feliciano cleared his throat, trying to find the effort to speak. "...El...Elizaveta." he croaked softly, his voice cutting distortedly through the silence.

The Hungarian looked up slightly startled at the sound, then smiled warmly. "Hi sweetie..." she murmured softly, slowly pushing back her chair as she got to her feet. " are you feeling?"

Elizaveta crossed her office and perched herself delicately on the edge of the Italian's bed, gently stroking a hand through the young man's hair.

Feliciano managed a tiny smile back. "...'m okay, hurts a little." he muttered, leaning into her hand.

"I'll get you something for the pain." she said gently, pushing his fringe back from his eyes. "...sweetie do you remember what happened to you?"

Feliciano gazed up at her through the dim light, slowly nodding his head. "Most...Johan and the storage room, Ludwig...then I was here..." he mumbled vaguely, his eyes rolling back into his head for a moment. The Italian blinked rapidly, forcing them to focus again. "Where, where is Ludwig?" he asked suddenly, panic rising in his voice.

"Shhh..." Elizaveta soothed, gently petting his hair. "He's fine sweetie, he's in his cell, probably sleeping."

"Sleeping..." Feliciano said dazedly still attempting to keep his gaze straight. "...time is it?"

The Hungarian glanced behind her to a digital clock sat on her desk. "Almost four in the morning sweetie." she said quietly, turning back to him.

"...why are you still awake?" the Italian murmured in bewilderment, staring up at the Hungarian's sleep ridden eyes.

Elizaveta smiled warmly. "I've got a bed set up here in case I need to stay over night but I couldn't sleep, I was worrying too much about you..." she gently pulled back the many sheets from the Italian's small frame and leant over to take a look at the stitches decorating his side. "...also I've been checking to make sure there's no signs of infection." the Hungarian added, gently pressing her hand against the wound.

Feliciano winced ever so slightly yet managed to smile up at her. "Grazie..." he said softly, smiling up at her. The Italian was silent for a moment, trying to recall what had been going on over the last few hours. ", I fainted right?" he asked slowly, the sketchy memories of the events following his rescue starting to come back to him.

"Yes, I think it was just the whole shock of it all." Elizaveta said sadly, sitting back up. "Ludwig had a bit of break down though, bless him."

"He what?" the Italian was feeling more awake now, staring up at her in shock.

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