My Yellow Paint

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As smooth and perfect you are
You are my yellow paint
You're the dark ochre toxic I desperately want to taste
You bring joy to my heart,
Exactly what yellow does
Even though oil, acrylic, or whatever, kills you

You're something I can't have
Something deadly to be around with
As I breath in the same air
Your vapors enter me, poisonous
I love you and you love me
But not in a way I want it to be

I want to hug you and touch you
Without that "strong League of friendship"
I want to kiss you, taste you
Embracing every inch of wrong and dangerously right
I need you, I want you
But you're just too distant

Now you have someone, and that someone isn't me
I used to like that too, before I didn't see your colors
And now that your with them, leaves me with a stutter
I wish you see how much I love you and how I desperately want you
You complete me in many ways
Without you I am nothing.

I need my yellow paint to paint the sun in my skies
To paint the hombre of sunsets
I need my yellow paint to paint the highlights of my life
To paint the beauty of flowers
I need my yellow paint
Because without it is everlasting pain.  

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