Chapter Nine

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  Josh finished climbing into the tree house and I looked at me knees. The last communication between the two of us was when he told me that Beth's pregnant. "Tell me honestly- what DO you think it is about Beth that makes me like her?" Josh asked, the hardness in his eyes giving me chills. "Andy, you first," Josh turned his glare on Andy now, his voice emotionless. Andy was visibly nervous, fidgeting a little bit before replying. "I-I don't know. I guess it's because she's pretty and you've known her for a long time," Andy stammered quietly. "Alex?" Josh asked, cocking his head at the dark boy who looked at Josh with equal strength and hardness in his eyes. "I think that you're just shallow and cold, and that you don't care who you hurt as long as you can have an easy bang," Alex spoke with confidence and what sounded like full honesty. Josh almost cackled, laughing fakely at Alex for a moment before replacing the hard, emotionless mask and turning to me. "Ronnie-Ann, you know me better than either of them. What do you think?" Josh asked, emphasizing exactly how well we know each other while also making it sound like more than it was.

  "I don't know you at all anymore, Josh. I used to think I did- now I'm not so sure. As for Beth, I believe it was compulsion, temptation, possible seduction, and quick relief from reality- not like you ever had much of a grip on it in the first place. Within your oh-so-perfect life, you had the best, supportive friend, a girlfriend who loved you, a mom who worked all day to pay for your nice house and practically let you do whatever you want, the best step-dad possible, and a loving younger sister who just wants you to either play Barbie with her or at least be happy. I suppose, when Beth appeared to like you, you must've figured that, seeing as your life was already perfect, it couldn't possibly be effected in a negative way at all," I finished, satisfied that he'd at least heard a small piece of what I thought about it. "If you think my life is perfect, Ronnie-Ann, you have a reality check coming your way," Josh warned, still glaring at me menacingly.

  "What's so imperfect about your life, Josh? Tell me! Tell me what could possibly by any chance be wrong with your life, before impregnating my cousin!" I shouted, surprising Andy and Alex. Josh chuckled a little and looked up at me, meeting my gaze evenly. "Every tiny imperfection or problem in your life instantly became mine as well. I tried so hard to take care of you that I didn't even pay attention to my own life. My grades started slipping, my mom hardly knows me anymore, I ignored everyone- all for you, Ronnie-Ann. I loved you more than I loved my mother. I felt terrible for it, but I didn't try to change it. YOU were the thing that was imperfect in my life," The volume of Josh's voice had slowly decreased as he spoke, and now that he was done, he inched closer to me and reached for my hand. I saw Alex's eyes following his hand as it crepted toward mine, which I drew away. "Don't you dare blame me for that, Josh. You didn't have to listen. I never asked you not to love your mother. Another thing- don't try your lines on me. Don't you dare say you love me- you aren't capable of love, Josh." I whispered the last part, his name leaving a bitter taste. Josh's face lit up and his breathing sped.

   "Don't you try to say that to me! I loved you more than life itself, Ronnie-Ann! I would've given it all for you!" At this point, he paused, and when he did, Alex muttered something that changed the whole conversation. "You would've, until she wouldn't let you get some from her," Alex's hand lurched over his mouth and Josh pulled back his fist, aiming a punch. I reached behind him in an instant and, grabbing his elbow, pulled his arm behind his back. Quick as I could possibly go, I flashed a hand onto his back and pushed him down onto the floor of the treehouse, his legs still dangling in the hole. "If you hit Alex, I'll do worse than pin you down." I whispered in his ear, leaning low. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were wild. I was tempted to sit on him but I decided not to. Instead I grabbed his ribs, just under his armpits, and pulled him back up into a sitting position so that he wouldn't fall. Despite the fact that I was pissed at him, I refrained from killing him- I didn't want to go to jail, even though I could always say he slipped. The thought was pleasant for a moment.

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