Chapter 3

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   As I opened my eyes I could feel the mourning sun through my eyelids. It was warm and inviting. I quikly sat up and rubbed my eyelids. That was the best sleep I've had in ages Iowa's so cuddly. I thought to myself. I opened my eyes and reqignized Marinettes room. I got off of her bed and saw she was not on it, "Camembert." I heard Plagg mumble in his sleep,  I ran my hands over my body to find I was not transformed. "Craaaaaaap!" I sad aloud causing Plagg to awken from his slumber looking at me with wide eyes full of shock and confused.

  "What the hell Plagg why didn't you wake me up! I can't stay at Marinettes and have her see me as Adrien." I whisper yelled. That's when Mari started to stir. "Chat?" I quickly coverd her eyes as she started to wake up. "Tikki is that you?" Mari asked. I looked over to Plagg to see his eyes widen and then start to laugh. "It's not funny Tikki don't cover my eyes I need to get ready." I gave her a perplexed look while Plagg was over their practicly dieing. "Tikki I will transform to make you get off of me!" She threatened. What? Then Plagg actually started choking on his laughter. "Fine. Tikki spots on!" Then in a flash Marinette was ladybug. I quickly moved my hand from her face. Her eyes widened

  "Ladybug?" I said flabbergasted.

  "What the hell Adrien!" She screamed

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