Abby brown

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Isn't it kind of amazing how a person who was once a stranger, can suddenly, without warning, mean the entire world to you?

That's the story of my life as a twelve year old.

Chapter one: the first day of the sixth grade.

I was kinda nervous about some of my new classes. As soon as I had my supplies ready I walked into the room and sat down next to my best friend David. That's when I saw her. The new girl this year sort of. I had met her in the fourth grade, but she had moved to Nebraska to live with her dad for a year. She missed the fifth grade at our school because of living in Nebraska. But she came back for the sixth grade. I hadn't gotten to know her well in fourth grade. But what I didn't know was that we'd get to know each other a lot more.

Chapter two: being partnered up

Mr. Hocking had pared up everyone in our class with partners. Everybody was pair up. I was stuck with Abby. At first I just wanted to get it over with. I was still in love with Carley Ward at this time so I didn't care much for Abby and she didn't care much for me. Thats how it went for a

Long time. But later on in the school year my whole world turned upside down. We started to care for each

Other greatly. To have feelings for each other. I knew Carley ward would never like me and that I might have a chance with her. Almost every partner assignment the class had I was always paired up with Abby.

Chapter three: my feelings for her

My feelings had changed so much by the end of the year. My love for her was unexplainable. She had started to like me a lot throughout the sixth grade. I realized that I had loved her

From the start. She meant the whole world to me. If she was sad I was sad. If she was happy then I was happy. I don't know why I felt this way. I felt like she was the perfect match for me. Like the clouds and the sky. Or the trees and nature. I felt like u could love no one else except Abby.

Chapter four: the beginning of the seventh grade

In the beginning of the seventh grade I found myself staring at her for asking as I could. It was cool that we'd both be looking at each other at the same time. I could tell she liked me and that she could tell that I liked her. She gave me her number in the first week of school. I texted her all the time. Twirls the middle of the quarter I asked Abby out and she said yes. Her answer made me the happiest boy in the world.

Chapter five: the sex texts

Tonight I texted Abby. She responds to sexy when I text her. She said some thing i didn't understand. She said saying I wanna screw u is baud blowing her head off. I asked her what the hell that meant, and she said she wanted to fuck me so hard. I said ok that's nice. And she said what do you "any to do to me. I told her I never did anything to her and why she was asking this. Also I asked her if this was a prank and she said No baby. I said ok sure. And she said u know it. And I said this is why I love you. She told me this sex story. I asked her if she was drunk. I also said that if not this is a dream come true. She said it's a dream come true. I said awesome I'm loving it. And she told me to tell her a story to make her horny. So I told her a sex story. And after that I said god I love you. She didn't answer right away so I sai hello r u there abs, babe. She said yea dog that was good. I told her hers was better. She said IDK. I said come on admit it yours was so much better. And she asked me if I was master bating. I said no. And she told me to master bate. I said ok. I asked her if she wanted to make out sometime and she said yes. I asked what she was doing and she said she was master bating to me. I said same here and why she was so sexy. She said your masker bating. And she said I'm sexy because I try to be and I accomplish. I said lol you told me too. She said send me a picture of it. I said I can't because I don't have a camera on my I pod. I said you could send me a picture of you though. And she said nah. And that was the end of the conversation. I really love Abby.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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