chapter3: Her

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[Ryan's POV]

"I think she already liked me, I know that sounds weird but i-i think its true." I say to my friend.
"Well, maybe. She probably just likes you because she thinks your cute, or maybe she does really like you. I don't know, that's hard to tell with girls." Says his friend Max.

"Yeah, I know. I need to go to my math class, and she's in there, I sit next to her."

"Okay, have fun." Max says with a smirk on his face.

[Narrators POV]

Usually Jade doesn't say anything to Ryan, and she didn't today, but he did. Ryan tried to have a long convo about school and homework. They made small talk. Jade acted like she was mad at him or upset.

At the end of the day, Rose and Jade walk out to their buses. When jade looked up, she saw Ryan looking at her and Rose. Jade whispered to Rose what he was doing and of course Rose looked up too. Now Ryan knew that the were talking about him. And he waved to them, and then Rose waved back. As usual, when ever Jade liked someone, Rose gave it away, when Jade doesn't look Rose puts a hand heart over her head and points. Rude little Rose.

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